Tuesday, February 14, 2012

An apology from The Great Sage

The Great Sage wishes to apologize for any inconvenience the truth may have on everyday life. But without the truth we would have no purpose other than bloated government. Ours is a "purpose driven life" and it's the truth that ensures us that our ambitions are rewarded. But...many times the "ugly truth" presents itself at the most inconvenient time of one's life. Now deal with it rather than try to twist it into something else just to avoid it. Political Correctness is not the truth.
Western culture has become weak. Too many are afraid of insulting somebody by asking them a straight forward question for fear of insulting their culture or person. The fact is that these cultures are accustomed to the hard questions from whence they came...they only look at us as being weak. They laugh at us. Westerners don't get the politically correct treatment in muslim countries, they'll get their throat slit on Youtube but nothing more.
The truth of the matter is that if airline passengers were racially profiled on 9/11 maybe there would not have been a 9/11. Have a special flight for muslims only that way us infidels won't insult them with our existence...and we won't have to smell the putrid miasma of their culinary crap.

The Great Sage


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