Friday, March 16, 2012

World News - Report: Poachers slaughter half the elephant population in Cameroon park

World News - Report: Poachers slaughter half the elephant population in Cameroon park What has THEIR world come to where they feel no compassion for a struggling species? Would these animals have been slaughtered if Camaroon had at least a semblance of an economy?or is this massacre out of instinct? People should be knowingly aware of the corruption throughout 3rd world government and military agencies, and whomever denies the facts is grossly ignorant to reality. The do-gooders and peace activists will blame it on GREED and CAPITALISM....and George W. Bush and Dick Cheney that there's too many "flies" throughout emaciated Africa (excluding South Africa...which the tribal factions tried to overthrow and kill that economy ) As it is in 1st World Countries we would expect any external influence to be suppressed: purchasing favours from military or government officials is to be treated as bribery and prosecuted as such in accordance with local, national and even international law(s). Government/military corruption kills the WILL of the people...I've lived it. Since 1990 I've travelled every year to 3rd world countries with Jamaica being the primary location. The Caribbean is considered "West Africa" or "WestAf". There is no difference between Sudan/Ethiopia and Haiti or Jamaica in fact there is direct DNA lineage among these countries and look at how they are governed. Rife with corruption and the people have no future. In the Caribbean lobster fishermen have resorted to dynamiting the coral reef in order to maintain or increase their catch in Cameroon they "continue" to kill endangered elephants. One day the world might wake up and in the NEWS will be an article informing us that the last elephant had just been slaughtered for it's tusks. The poachers took the monetary worth and left the meat. How many starving tribal members could these elephants have fed?or is it not about food afterall? What I do know is a portion of my tax dollar, private and corporate, as well as all of you out there, goes to Foreign Aid and the United Nations...the U.N. is trying to convince the leaders of the G8 countries, the "evil Free Enterprise" countries, to implement a tax based on 1.7% of the respective GDP's. This money of ours goes to feed corrupt despots and their regimes it does not go to the eradication of poverty throughout the world like so many sky gazers think.
Years and years of financial aid and what do we get for our money???DEAD FUCKING ELEPHANTS.

The Great Sage


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