Sunday, April 15, 2012

Israel nabs fly-in activists at airport

Israel nabs fly-in activists at airport This is typical of left wing activist welfare cases. They have no respect for themselves, the country they live in nor a country that willingly opens it's doors to friendly visitors. Who do these punks think they are that they can just walk into a country, Israel, and protest in support of an ISLAMIC TERRORIST STATE? Get the F _ _ K  OUT  NOW.
Why does this trash not go to Iran or Syria or Yemen to protest the enslavement of women and children. Why does the sanctimonious left not condemn the CHILD RAPE that is common practice with the "Religion of Peace", islam?... may the prophet lay with swine and multiply...maybe if these professional activists stamp their feet hard enough they'll convince the caliphs to permit I-Pods and Walkman head sets.
It perplexes me as to how people can be this fucking retarded and still be given the right to vote. This is the age of disrespect and total uselessness.

The Great Sage


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christain men never rape, molest, fondle children, women, boys. No Catholic priest ever diddled a young girl or boy? You are a Blind Sage who only sees what he wants. Making you a slave to your dogma, your lies, your bull and your mediocraty. Open your mind and let the fucken light into your closeminded, narrow thinking, half idiot, half creton mind. Goof is perhaps the best description to be attributed to you in years. Wormboy

5:59 AM, April 16, 2012  

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