Sunday, June 03, 2012

Shootings at the Eaton Center

I The Great Sage am willing to wage a pecuniary order on the premise that the perpetrator('s) of the shootings at Toronto's Eaton Center are not of "True Canadian" blood and are more than likely to be of Caribbean or Asian descent. Time will tell.
On another note I...The Great Sage would like to humbly acknowledge the fact that You, the loyal subject, the  reader with a hunger for the truth restlessly awaits the wisdom expected of me. I feel your pain. I feel it is my duty to inform the subjugated masses that due to a very distressful compressed schedule I, The Great Sage, has not had the time to regularly maintain a consistent flow of information...BUT...fear not my faithful followers for things are about to get better as I should be back into the swing of things within the next few days.
Prepare to honour the heroes of D-Day on June 6th and remember what they fought and died think about what is happening today...Iran is Farsi for "ARIAN". The "Third Riech" was Hitler's purebred bureau of "Arians". For Israel the war has been in progress for some time now...for the rest of the West, Canada, United States of America and Grt. Britain, political correctness has us bound by a tether of denial. We'll be shot at and told it's nothing to worry about and that we should deal with these twisted cultures with tolerance and understanding and to avoid at all costs any means of eroding the progress thus far, even if it means permitting islam to be taught in madrases....or schools and eliminating all pork products from our diet...and yes that means bacon and sausages.
These uneducated pig kissers that fled their delapitated and emaciated home land or island are truly loving, understanding people that have are only trying to express themselves the only way they know how...violently. This is what stupid liberals expect from us, I got news for them...go crawl into that ostrich hole that your head has been buried in for the past 30years and take your queer buddies with you including the queer cannibals.

The Great Sage


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave -- if you keep up this foolish babbling they're not going to let you out of the asylum

4:38 AM, June 07, 2012  

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