Thursday, September 13, 2012

Muslim barbarism

Mitt Romney had every right to condemn the killing of U.S. envoy Christopher Stevens in Libya this week and with that the condemnation of a useless president. Obama is a muslim sympathizer who is bent on destroying his own country...and the left wing media is right along side with him.
This killing, an attack on the anniversary date of 9/11, was well planned and the argument that some fictitious anti-islamic movie sparked this atrocity is a joke.
FUCK islam, FUCK the prophet and FUCK the caliphate. islam is comprised of barbaric pig fuckers with no contribution to humanity.
Obama you are useless. To the left wing phony media, you are the enemy collaborating with muslim terrorists. And Hillary Clinton you are also a flake.
The Great Sage

Get out of the middle east with the support of Israel the exception and leave with a bang...nuclear bang.


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