Thursday, November 04, 2010


Take a look at what is going on around the world and what the "mainstream liberal media" doesn't tell you...and why is that? Only because if the people knew what was really going on they would refuse the cesspool of multicultural brainwashing that spews out of the mouths of arrogant left wing socialist leaders.There is no room within my empire for "the little mosque on the prairie". I'll take Bonanza or Gunsmoke any day of the week...I will not waste my time with Canadian programming and news other than The National Post...The Sun or on-line at the "Canadian Free Press".The hoard of unwashed masses possessed by a corrosive liberal ideology don't understand Conservatism. It is Conservatism that will produce a society and a culture of people that are acutely aware of the role that morals and ethics, virtue and justice have in a sane society governed by "the people" and "for the people". It is this culture of people that are the only people that will VOLUNTEER TO DIE to protect the aforementioned God given inalienable rights. The only protective barrier between Western civilization and a ruthless barbaric culture, that maniacally scream out "Allah Akbar" (God is great)before slitting a throat from ear to ear, is a well disciplined Military that is governed and guided by Conservative principles.I am absolutely terrified of inaction. I do not want my family's life at the mercy of an ineptly weak is not the time for a "gutless leader", in any country but more so Great Britain, Canada, United States of America, Australia and France. Western Civilization and primitive Islam (just look at the way they dress and live) do not mix. It began with the Moores at the Straights of Gibraltar into Spain and Portugal. Had it not been for a strong moral Christian culture, although there was still room for adjustments, Islam would rule world wide, which today, is still their priority objective. What Canada's multicultural debacle created was an un-receding tide of non-traditional immigrants who brought their convoluted, 3rd world standard of life including an ideology that governs them through religion...everything that happens in life is by the grace or furry of Allah. Dying and/or causing death is the will of Allah and followers must not hesitate to perform which ever act they are brain washed to do in the name of Allah.Is it too late? I do not to be governed by a culture that stones it's women for "alleged improprieties" or for wanting something as simple as equality, I do not want to be governed by a culture that insists that the world must wake up and accept and "tolerate" a Terrorist religion that "wants to drive the Jews into the sea" wants us to believe that the holocaust is a myth.
I want a want a government that will cease selling out what's left of our tradition and culture and denounce the atrocities committed by Mohamed, Saladin, Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden not side with them.
If you think I'm demented in my perspective, hey maybe I am but at least I proved that even someone with dementia sees what's going on here, why does the Communist(and proud of it) New Democratic party and the Fascist Liberal party want Muslims to be self-governed by SHARIA LAW...their religious law? They actually think the population is that apathetic to care or too stupid to know the evil within that twisted ideology. This how fucking stupid liberals are, and I do apologize for the expletives but through my frustrated aggravation with liberalism the term is suitable, they want legally sanctioned gay marriage while at the same time they want to open the flood gates to an ideology that decapitates gays.
The flood gates were opened by Trudeau and his Liberal herd not as a benevolent outreach of refuge but for the VOTES.
If it wasn't for Steven Harper and the Conservative party this country would be an oversize asylum. But...there is room for improvement and it needs to start the moment "non-traditional" immigrants arrive. It begins with speaking ENGLISH and also an education as to the purpose of toilet paper...and it isn't packing for a catalyst that's saturated with flammables in an "IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE" or I.E.D.
Or is it too late? If this country gets another dose of Fascism we are doomed. WWIII commenced on the date of 9/11/2001 and what does our FUCKING STUPID PRIME MINISTER do???(Cretian)...blames the United States of America. What made the Liberals so powerful was because they financed the shit out the CBC otherwise known as the "Canadian Bullshit Correspondance" network. Do not believe the mainstream media...CBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS or Bloomeberg. A funny but fitting predicate to any of these "station call letters" is LSD-NBC or LSD-CBS or even METH-NBC etc. Either of these terms adds spark and colour to a good political conversation. The only NEWS cast that is pretty much factual is FOX NEWS.
Can somebody please prove me wrong with anything I've said? Does my perspective allow anyone to lable me prejudice?
It's the truth, I know that for many people the truth has been estranged from them which is why we need a majority Conservative's either soon or doom.

The Great Sage



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