Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chavez says capitalism may have ended life on Mars

Chavez says capitalism may have ended life on Mars

Here is something that is inarguably factual and straight forward. This article subconsciously begs the question of an individual as to what ideology he/she "knowingly" aligns one's self with. Wouldn't one feel embarrassed to jump onto the same band wagon as an imbecilic dictator who has accomplished nothing other than ensuring the word "GENOCIDE" is fully understood by every school child in Venezuela. How does one sleep at night knowing that their political party shares the same ideology as the Venezuelan Knight in shining tin foil. Discard the emotionally biased filters and take note...I understand that years of left wing dogma has made it difficult to understand reality or even consider anything that the Right has to say but try it even if it is only to humour yourself.

If one votes Liberal he/she is a Left Wing Socialist.
If one votes NDP he/she is a Left Wing social-communist.
If one votes Conservative he/she is a Right Wing Capitalist that wants smaller government, including major reductions in the Public Sector. A Conservative supports a free market system unhampered by senseless, crippling regulation and socialistic mandates.
Hugo Chavez couldn't have said it better even while engaged in conflict with his other personalities. This statement is as priceless as the tipping of Guam statement by another liberal politician, Hank Johnston of Georgia. If a picture is worth a thousand words what are one's own words worth when those words are...let's this planet. This cognizant defective iconoclast is the poster child for the Canadian Liberal Party and the infallible mentor of the NDP, New Desperate Proletariat. By virtue of his own ignorance and stupidity,the "scribe" of the rabbit hole Hugo Chavez represents the perfect description of a Left Wing Lunatic Liberal.

Can someone please explain as to why they would remain a liberal knowing that they're in the same category as this nut. Next time at the ballot box think about it.

The Great Sage


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing tongue and cheek about you is,who's cheek your tongue is in.

9:37 AM, April 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That wasn't very nice. Not all the guys who write on this blog are homosexual are they?

12:31 PM, April 14, 2011  

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