Monday, May 02, 2011

One dead terrorist...GERONIMO

What will Taliban Jack Layton do now that his soul brother has a severe headache.
I must admit even I the Great Sage am humbled by the manner in which a talented member of the U.S. Navy SEAL Team dispatched Usama bin Laden into paradise with a precision eye shot. Hey UbL how many virgins do you have around you? Forget paradise may you rot in hell along with Hitler.

Job well done United States Military.
P.S. thanks to George W. Bush for implementing the groundwork for this strategy...and thanks to the operatives at GITMO (Guantanamo) for water boarding the shit out of the terrorist who finally gave up the info. leading to the hit on bin Laden. And thanks to Barack Obama for leaving the Bush strategy in place.

The GReat Sage


Blogger 2Wolfbane said...

It's good bin Laden is dead. Praise to Obama for accomplishing what Bush couldn't do in 8 years; 1.5 trillion spent on the War on Terrorism, 2 foreign wars, the criminal murders of untold numbers of innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, the deaths of over 5000 US troops, the deaths of numerous Canadian and NATO troops, the virtual economic collapse of America,increasing loss of freedoms, the Patriot Act, untold violations of UN Treaties and US laws against torture,Gitmo, black prisons, rendition, privatization of security and surveillance, the loss of US credibility around the world and the list goes on and on and on.... Need I say anymore?

8:44 PM, May 02, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You said lots...but with no meaning.
There's so much to explain but to whom? With no intellect there is no comprehension. Obama simply left the Bush policy on Terrorism in place and finnaly things fell into place. Something that is too complex for you to understand.
As for the funds appropriated to the War on Terror 3% of the GDP is in line with military budget. Bin Laden and his Islamic extremist ideology cost the Western economy a shit load of cash. I happen to be involved in an international business climate and I know the toll taken on both of our economy's was excruciatingly painful. As for your lame comment on loss of U.S. credibility who do you think should be the world's superpower...Cuba, Venezuela, Libya? Your bread is coated with U.S. butter and yet you don't taste it. Typical Left. Maybe 4years of Conservatism will fix that. Next time you comment throw away the liberal template.
And who the hell cares about the U.N. anyways...this is another topic soon to be discussed. By the way the U.N. league of despots wants every country to mandate an "INTERNATIONAL TAX" AT 1.7% OF GDP to support it's loss causes.

The Great Saaaaaaage. resistance is futile, just look at the polls from yesterday's election.

11:41 AM, May 03, 2011  
Blogger 2Wolfbane said...

Are you Canadian or American? Make up your mind. Your defense of the indefensible is indefensible. Is it necessary to define my politics and degrade my opinions? It appears as though you also suffer from the same immature intollerance displayed by other neo-nazi conservatives.

12:12 PM, May 03, 2011  
Blogger Dave said...

Liberals despise a counter attack. They view any logical response to their meaningless platitudes and rhetorical exaggeration as a derogatory attack on their character. Liberals think that only they are entitled to condemn, degrade and belittle. Look...I know you're not accustomed to the other point of view, only because it's been muted by the CRTC, liberal media, and liberal educators, but too bad.
With respect to your question about my "fidelity", how about...Semper Fidelis, or NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM or ANNUIT COEPTIS...maybe even Deus Impeditio Esuritori Nules

7:41 PM, May 03, 2011  
Blogger Dave said...

P.S. and what's with this "Neo-Nazi Conservative" smear?
I get a kick, as does my Conservative Administration uh,uh I mean Cabinet, out of liberal antics gone un-glued. You, as anybody feeding at the public trough, would rather become a slave to fascism. You depend on big government rather than yourself. You need unwarranted excessive regulation because it structures your day, something liberals are incapable of doing for themselves. Liberals steal corporate profits because that is what they do best...ostensibly to fund the failed institution of socialism. The only people getting rich are the liberal elite who feel only they are entitled to profits,,,at the expense of someone else. Socialism is about sharing the misery. It's a facade with a coroded underlay. Socialism is about taking half of somebody's earnings and giving it to the half that feels entitled to it. Socialism is a blight that deteriorates the human makes people believe that the poor generate wealth therefore it's "status quo" to be poor thus everybody remains poor.
I want to keep the wealth that I fucking bust my ass for and I don't want it going to some import who thinks he's entitled to refugee support and welfare. To boot they refer to us as "INFIDELS". They pushed for their own Sharia Law here in Ontario and both the libs and the ndp felt they should have it. What the fuck is wrong with CANADIAN LAW?
Anybody who wishes to reply to any of my blog entries had better come up with a very good and practical approach that is not emotionally fuelled with scathing hyperbole. Don't create reality as you type your words. Substantiate your claims and orchestrate your attack so that you don't look like a foolish socialist whiner...give me the facts as to where I am wrong. Don't just whip out some derogatory narratives and call me all the names you do, it's laughable and typical.

I am ETC.

8:11 PM, May 03, 2011  

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