Saturday, April 02, 2011

Liberals lack ability to govern

Local Liberal candidate Cristian Provensano thinks that bringing in a former NHL'er shows the public that the Liberal Party shares the same means of approach towards the manner in which Canada's issues must be dealt. Yeh Christian it's all fun and games isn't it? Name anything the Liberals have done that was the least bit beneficial for Canada. Multiculturalism is a failure, it's totally destroyed what little identity this country developed after WWII. Multiculturalism was a vote getter that this country's largest enemy, Pierre E. Trudeau, took advantage of to remain in power...he purchased votes through the abstract myth of socialism. People received a hand-out and thought it would never end. They were suckers. They were played as fools who thought the public trough would never be empty. After the trough is empty where do the pigs get their food? People must open their minds as to what is happening outside their doors. The Liberal Party is full of promises but has no way of following through. Anything that sounds somewhat beneficial is a misinterpretation of a soundbite. Their arrogant attempt to confiscate our firearms through the costly implementation of C68 is proof alone that they're dictators. Canada does not need any more dictators. Canada needs a logical minded pragmatic government that does what the people demand of it. People should do a little studying as to the background of "Liberalism". Yes the word "Liberal" is the name of a political party but "Liberalism" is also a ideological term...and not a good term either. Liberals promise everything that a "socialist utopia" can offer until that is, it's time to pay up. Look at Canada's health care. Take a look inside our schools today and you'll get a glimpse of this country's's pathetic.
The Liberals are control beasts and they prove it every time they call an election, they're not looking out for what's best for Canada they're only looking for what's best for the Lib's. Socialism belongs in Communist countries it does not belong in mainstream Canada. Socialism is not freedom it's total control over the people.

Be a GOOD CANADIAN and V O T E CONSERVATIVE...don't give the office of Prime Minister to a party that lacks the ability to govern.

Dave Selvers
Conservative Member


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is apparent we are all doomed! The Creator doesn't give a tinkers damn about politics. The turkey seasoning should just concentrate on the spring planting. Propagating the soil is more suited to your abilities.

3:22 PM, April 04, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you've propagated enough soil. To reap what one sews is obviously foreign territory to the liberal left. Maybe you should inform the masses as to what your economic agenda consists of. You're a phony character assassin that lacks any constructive direction whatsoever. Being the liberal socialist you are accounts for the "Zen Manner" in which you communicate a message...albeit with no meaning. Maybe the Left Wing Lunatics should consider the fact that half of this country is sick and tired of looking after the other half. You may be doomed...not I.Canadian Capitalist

4:58 PM, April 04, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Sage - you should propagate the soil and leave intellectual pursuits to those who are capable of handling them. Arrogance only provides a false facade for so long until even you will bore yourself out of conservatism and into Sharia thought. The Sufi would have a hard time accepting you though - chest too big to hide a vest and the tutu would stick out to far from the pajamas. Moderna Sufi

1:29 AM, April 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only a character assassin would make note of the fact! The left concentrates on things less barbaric and actually meaningful to the world we live in today. Try clearing the nostrils so good clean air can penetrate the brain crust and infuse some realistic thought and relevance into your diatribes. Intollerance is wromg on every side and Muslims, Christians and Jews lived together in Jerusalem under Saladin and were quite content. It was the Roman invaders, who later became Christains, who destroyed the balance. Liberals believe we can all live together despite the differences imposed by religious dogma and its distortions imposed by mortals like the Sage. The very restrictions of extreme thought and evangelical practices that lead to the burning of books sacred to another belief asnd therefore inciting hatred and chaos. If you were capable of stepping out of your rigid mind-set it would be a start to world peace as the Sage is such a powerful example for all to follow. The Peitre Dish

1:40 AM, April 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agent 86 - follow this comment employing the M16 Rodent Module secret encryption data 2 espionage module. Moe is still stuck in the cellphone on Younge Street trapped by hundreds of moles and rodents ... ignore.... Conservatives need not pretend to be any better then they claim Liberals to be. As for 'isms' have you heard of 'conservatism', 'fascism', 'neo-conism' or any other 'isms' belonging to the right? No politicians and no political parties can or should be trusted and all make campaign promises they have no intention to kepp unless they are to benefit big business, the rich or to gain favour. Stop with that righteous bull about the Conservative Party and Harper. He is a stormtrooper masked in a maple leaf as are the majority of Canadian conservatives. As for dictators, Harper Beiber-Kadafy, just like G.Bush, limits entry into campaign roadshows, supports limited candidate debates, limits on media questions etc. Is that because he can or, is that because he is threatened by any hint of democracy? Isn't it the politicians who swill at the public trough? If you don't report them there are no gun restrictions. FYI - Conservatism is an ideological term and one that is too close to Fascism. Now transpose this to KIWI 38-45. Mr.Phelps, this comment will self-destruct in 30 seconds. Crayfish Control

10:24 PM, April 06, 2011  
Blogger Hawwkstar said...

I am puzzled..Sage is a plant held sacred to many cultures and honoured in traditional ceremonies amoungst First Nations Peoples therefore implying a spiritual knowledge above and beyond the rigid and close-minded. I wonder if Sage was the right choice how about Fuheur Bells', Mengele's Lace's or Himmler's Holly's Views on Life.

10:47 PM, April 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peace through servitude is not peace, Dave! It was Alexander who, by allowing the conqueured to keep their culture, religion and belief systems sparked a short lived peace. The Romans were many things but 'bringers of peace' was not one of them. They were conqueurers and absorbed the vanquished. You know how the turkey absorbes the essence of sage as it bakes. Ganga Bob

7:46 PM, April 11, 2011  
Blogger TheEagle said...

So after 5 years of Harper conservatives ability govern,we have

*mean tricks,
*putting us in debt,
*hiring friends,
*appointing the most conservative senators in history after saying they would do it,
*putting projects mainly in Conservative riding's,
*wasting money on G20 and causing businesses to lose business during it,
*allowing peaceful protesters to be jailed and shot by rubber bullets,
*firing their staff instead of taking responsible for their actions or office actions,
*picking and choosing which minister to fire over which one really needed to be fired,
*contempt of parliament,
*closing down parliament twice,
*not disclosing full costs of projects and so many other things,

conservatives will still vote for this conservative government. This means the regular conservative out there is a liar & cheat and should never be trusted around your family because they believe it's alright to do this as long as your conservative.

NOTE: copy and paste and add to this list any item I missed.

9:57 PM, April 11, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

- high ranking conservatives including Senators charged with fraud, theft,etc.
- nepotism
- supporting restricted debates
- lying about our withdrawal from Afghanistan
- continuing to tax the elderly and disabled
-the list goes on and on
I support the concept of voting the encumbent out, thus ensuring no person or party gets a foothold on the country. It helps to limit corruption, nepotism, criminality and bad policies. Perhaps democracy would improve if those in power were never sure of re-election. The Crayfish

7:43 PM, April 12, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:08 PM, April 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fools the entire lot. The first "Article of Agreement" and documented functioning democracy was on ships belonging to "Privateers"...Pirates. Of whom settled the Caribbean with the indentured workers of the Eastern Continents. African Queens gave not sold their own people to the White Man as a token gesture of worship. Don't start with Roman History. And as for the snide remarks directed towards Conservatives...worthless effort. Same old templated whining. The lib's under Trudeau ruined this country. Trudeau admitted to the world that he "knew nothng about economics" but...he loved Castro and the Socialist system. Castro himself admitted 2months ago that "Socialism was a failure". Everything that has been spewed here is typical liberal lunacy.The Great Sage.

9:37 PM, April 15, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh yes the good old days of Ionia.Another perfect example of how the West deterred the East from subjugating our White Westerners...600years "before the common era".Why doesn't anybody ivolved in this forum take a little trip (not with me) to the cradle of the Persian civilization Iran. And then if you come out of there with your head still attached fly to Cuba and ask Castro if you can if you can live the socialist dream where the only thing equal is the misery. Remember now there is no "WELFARE or SOCIAL ASSISSTANCE" in any of the aforementioned gulags err excuse me...countries.People who support liberals are incapable of surviving,(void of all instincts particularily the will to survive)they need government. And while you're in Iran maybe you can organize a queer parade or as they say in this great debauched shit hole of a pride parade? Hey maybe you'll prove me wrong in respect to my claim of them being barbarians.God I love it when people act childish. If you can't counter with facts spew out the defamation.Actually guys I'm a bit concerned as to what you're going to do for the next week given that welfare checks don't go out until the end of the month. Hey the soup kitchen is always there, you never know you may run into me during one of my truckload of food contributions or perhaps even serving you soup.Out of curiosity do either of you guys get to the soup kitchen before noon? or are you still comatose. Maybe you're suffering from reality...or the lack thereof.   The Great Sage.

10:53 PM, April 15, 2011  

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