Friday, September 23, 2011

Finally an end to abusive waste and authoritarian control

Bryan Hayes thank you for the first politician in a long time to support and live up to a platform promise. Get rid of the Long Gun registry. Further, lets examine why this country suffers a disproportionate number of gun crimes. It's not the legal HANDGUN and LONG GUN owner(s) it's mostly the immigrants let into the country. And whether anybody likes it or not they had better accept the politically incorrect facts that much of this crime comes from a Caribbean element that basically lives by "death" on a daily basis...if not from rival tribal factions it'll be the authority over them. But really that is not our problem. Why contribute to foreign aid when it only provides a catalyst to the heated corruption rampant throughout the Third World archipelago? And, ethics and common-sense should prevail over votes. The Socialist system is such that it supports those who can't or won't support themselves and it's a sure vote for the party that gives the social parasite a hammock to enjoy rather than the intended "social net". This is what multicultural liberal socio/communists promote. Everybody must be equal for the good of the collective therefore "to each his need but will not exceed". Every non-Caucasian criminal claiming persecution is let into the country on refugee status. Now everybody feels good, so good that they forget about the costs dollar costs. But the crime rate climbs and terrorism brews. This is the new vote, a culture of people who have yet to progress beyond the year 3,000BC and another culture whose people suffer from a condition known as "Belly Rot". The "belly bottom" is the rectal area that becomes infected due to insufficient cleaning due to ignorance...ignorance of toilet paper. And this is the liberal vote. And with their hands "instinctively" out they reap the benefits of our tax funded socialist system. This is the new liberal vote.
The liberals new all too well that the vote they were letting in was accustomed to and programmed by violence at the barrel of a gun. Rather than discriminate, and justly so, and disallow these immigrants to possess firearms the liberals wanted to prove they are an equal and unbias tyranny by attempting to strip True Canadians of their right to own a firearm...a firearm is classified as PRIVATE PROPERTY which we are all allowed. I don't want any immigrants owning a firearm until at least 15years in the country and even that is open to review pending one's ideology.
Just as a point of interest take look inside the Toronto Sun just to get an idea of who is committing all the gun crimes...count the Jamaicans involved, and yes they're all Black. Now do the research on their means of income (support).

You couldn't handle what I have to say next.

The Great Sage


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