Thursday, September 01, 2011

Hundreds killed during Ramadan crackdown

Hundreds killed during Ramadan crackdown. Ramadan is the holiest time of the year for islam. Peace loving muslims everywhere go to great lengths to ensure that peace is spread throughout the world...but first the Middle East. These people are so peaceful that Jack Layton wanted to do all he could to ensure "sharia" would be implemented in Canada as so muslims could govern themselves as they do in the twisted viper nest they originated from, the same viper's nest infected with a caliphate. Yes that is correct the same part of the world where they still stone women, cut out tongues and noses and splash a bit of acid or boiling water in the face of whomever for whatever.

Just to clarify a few things...I did not hate Jack Layton. I did however despise his delusional political agenda. He or anybody else in the NDP are worthless, toxic and bad for the country. He was no hero of mine he was just somebody else who beat me and YOU to the obituary column. He was also a left wing element pushing for muslims to be granted their "sharia law". This country has lost enough of it's tradition, how far are left wing idiots willing to go before we no longer recognize the streets we live on???
Hey let's demand that we shut the economy down for the month long period of ramadan. Let's be good Canadian's...with no backbone.

The Great Sage


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