Saturday, August 20, 2011

Female Genital Mutilation FGM “is an obligation” says Mullah Ismail Sussai in Iraqi Kurdistan. By Thomas v. der Osten-Sacken

Female Genital Mutilation FGM “is an obligation” says Mullah Ismail Sussai in Iraqi Kurdistan. By Thomas v. der Osten-Sacken
And this is the culture that the West is supposed to tolerate? Physical Mutilation is torture...period. And this extreme wahabist maintains that they are "Just" in beating their women...then torturing them. The Religion of Peace???? "Any sustainable policy against FMG, female genital mutilation, must focus on higher social standards, better education and equal rights for women" The "Non Governmental Organization" compiling the research for this article also ask the U.N. and W.H.O. (same thing)where were the watchful eyes of UNICEF and W.H.O. while an undisclosed number of girls and/or older humiliatingly have their legs spread so as to expose themselves to a madman with a beard and a knife.
This is not normal and anybody that thinks that it not normal. When was the last time the media informed the country as to what really goes on out there? How many everyday people out there are familiar with the "ritualistic mutilation" of islamic women? Oh every body's well informed re. hollywood gossip and global whining (global warming) and many are right up on the proposed cuts to the over-burden of social programs. As for life's important issues, the ice melts beneath their feet. Just wait until the global economy collapses ( very soon) and the 1st world countries are left with no alternative but to cut off all aid to the destitute 3rd world. Islam will walk right into the "minds" of the destitute. The Arabs know exactly what they're doing by moving into the sensitively volatile Caribbean...anything makes sense to the destitute. "Radical Islam" is a dangerous threat to what remains of Western Culture. A full belly, an AK47 and the promise of 72virgins is the last "Great Alternative" to the current misery that plagues them now. Any culture that ritualistically mutilates their women (and children) in this sadistic manner is not fit to inhabit this planet...why must I be forced to tolerate anything sharia?????? I want muslims in the West to publicly condemn the perverted cult of radical islam. I want to see muslims in the West embrace the Western values that are burned into the constitution's of our respective nation...the very same values that attracted them to the free West in the first place. Don't expect to change any of this regardless of what a few left wing liberal nut jobs try to spew out in defence of your concern(s). I want C A N A D A not "canistan"...I want the United States of America not the united sultans of achmed.
If the statistics manifest this world is going to be a very different place by the time 2025 rolls around. The Persian/Asian race will out number White and Black Western Christians 3-1 with an exponential climb from there. Your talking about a culture of people accustomed to multiple wives, countless children, carry their own prayer rug packed next to the ammo of an AK47 and have no problem slicing their daughter's crotch so that "their" sex will be for reproduction only . Islam will dominate. The implacable left won't even know what hit them. They'll be screaming at Right Wing Conservatives for better treatment of muslims, allow sharia law and increase social spending, they'll be screaming so loud they won't hear the news that informs them that the country they grew old in is now governed by muslim extremists. And there won't be any "gay bashing parties" just head's on a pike. Jim Looney from Sault Ste. Marie Canada was held captive by Islamic militants in Iraq. He thought he was going to mingle with terrorists to prove that they were good people thus making the United States of America appear as a war monger. Hey Jimbo why didn't you tell your captor's that you sleep with member's of your own sex? You know damn well why you didn't. Those rag headed viper's would have loved to hold your head up for the camera. I just had to throw that in.
The disgusting aspect to all this is the fact that a vociferous minority in the West refuses to absorb the truth and recognize the perils facing "Western Civilization". If muslim fundamentalists take over it will be due to the support given to them by the politically correct left. Can't wait until we see bill boards advertising the "route" to "72" virgins. Many insignificant male mortals wish only for one in a lifetime and here Allah is promising "72", now that's an incentive program...
FUCKING ABSURDITY...that I will not be forced to tolerate. I'll leave that to the spineless.

I am ETC.

The Great Sage


Blogger Hawwkstar said...

All I know is Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria(soon), Jordan, Bahrain, Palestine and the others will be free and will be developing into new democracies. With their freedom will come enlightenment and archaic practices will be shunned to the side in favour of growth and development. As they grow to the left we regress to the right insuring a hasty decline for the West. As went Rome... so goes America. To the fighters in the Middle East I Salute You!!!! Hawwkstar

5:21 PM, August 23, 2011  

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