Saturday, July 23, 2011

Oslo nutcase

The Oslo nutcase, Anders Behring Breivik was a typical, seemingly normal kid next door type of guy who got lost in fantasy. Violent video games and blood and guts movies seemed to be an entertainment staple. A confirmed product of his environment. A constant exposure to violent fantasy will have an altering and detrimental effect on the behaviour of an individual. The altering and detrimental effects become exponential over time until one day a person is compelled to live out his freakish that of the extremists in Islamic culture.
Also Breivik was a Master Mason, an association considered an anathema to fundamental why did this Norwegian nutcase expound upon the Rite's of Christianity when he belonged to an organization considered to be a threat to "Organised religion"? And why did the "Helper's of the Global Jihad" more precisely Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami, be the first to chime in for the credit of this "terror attack"?
Congratulations to the Oslo nutcase for earning his position in the same category as "Radical Islam". Extreme muslim clerics inculcate a repertoire of hatred into the psyche of it's followers as does a steady diet of violent slice and dice video games. Maybe Canada better look at disallowing immigrants from Norway now.
But the end result is that finally the left wing brain tumors can paint Christianity with the same broad brush as radical islam.
Thought the Sage was finished didn't does one lone Norwegian nutbar blow up a city block and then kill a bunch of kids at an isolated summer camp within that slim of a time frame??? Is this a cover-up of something just a little more sinister?

The Great Sage


Blogger Hawwkstar said...

They are everywhere Sage. All colors, races, religions, politics everywhere. As for Christainity they the Christain's began slaughtering anyone considered pagan as soon as they began the Holy Crusades in ancient Egypt. Check out the history of Alexander's burial place in Alexandria. The Christain's (after slaughtering) all non Christain's sacked the burial place of Alexander and turned the tomb into St.Marks church. This was common practice. The Christain's were just as brutal, just as violent and killed more throughout time than any other religion!

12:32 PM, July 24, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will not deny that. Your statement is very much accurate...for ONCE. times of brutality only a measure of brutality will suffice. Over the years, man has refined his disposition, supposedly, to the point where we're supposed to "love one another" and don't condone wholesale slaughter but it still happens. Slice and dice movies and gratuitous violencehas replaced the colloseum, people still get thrilled over a Stephan King book and Marilyn Manson (freak show) has kids glued to thoughts of suicide or murder...what has changed? A true Christian kills only those that must be killed. Matthew 10:34 Jesus makes the statement (not verbatum) "you think I bring peace...I bring a sword". If I research it other than resource it from my massive cranium I would have it verbatum. The point is that sometimes war is necessary as is killing (those who deserve to meet their maker)and it isn't going to change. I would not waste 2 seconds contemplating defencive action that would require the elimination of life or lives. Reverting back to how man has refined if you research the facts it was Persia, 490 Before the Common Era, under King Darius who sought to annihilate Sparta with his son Xerxse to follow up circa 450BCE. This was the initial attack on the West and nothing is different today.i will fend for my culture, my country, my beliefs and my traditional way of life and will not willfully relinquish any aspect of those components. Until the followers of the "profit" Muhammad concede that everyone has the Rite and the right to be free from religeous and/or idealogical bondage and condemn the barbarity that emanates from their "religeon of peace".I do not hate muslims. One of my brothers is a muslim from Istanbul as was his father and grandfather. Why did they side with the Templar/Masons? Even they will tell you that islam has been perverted by vicious ideologues.Sage

3:58 PM, July 25, 2011  
Blogger Hawwkstar said...

Finally you got it. It is the fanatic fringe in virtually all cases, no matter the religion or the politics, that cause the atmosphere of hate, violence and death. Generally, humanity would be much better off without the destructive potential any ideology taken too seriously, causes. That is one of the biggest problems facing our future as a species.

9:55 PM, July 27, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK. What do you mean I finally got it? My message has been consistent all the way through.As for Sir Lawrence (of Arabia)he was part of the "British Colonialist Empire that to this day still eats away at the barbarians who plant bombs underneath Jewish babies in cribs only to destroy the family when the mother comes to the care of her crying  baby. That bomb was detonated when she picked up her baby killing all six in the family. It was about a month ago...and they celebrated in Gaza.The Great Sage

3:49 PM, August 13, 2011  

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