Friday, July 08, 2011

Afghan couple convicted of honor killing in Sweden - Hurriyet Daily News

Afghan couple convicted of honor killing in Sweden - Hurriyet Daily News
Doused with boiling oil, beaten with a baseball bat and then stabbed once or twice. And, for fear of being "politically incorrect", Sweden's media still doesn't have the fortitude to refer to them as Islamic Extremists, instead they use the term "immigrants". The part that chokes me up is they're not receiving the death penalty (in a similar brutal manner.) Thank God the Conservatives are in power here in Canada because if it had been the liberals these dysfunctional warped sub-humans would be welcomed with open arms, refugee status, welfare subsidy and a liberal socialist party member card...and instructions on how to find the nearest advance polling station. What is really sad is the fact that Canada has an unacceptably disproportionate number of people who support any backwards, abnormal lifestyle or uncivilized barbaric (multi)culture because by doing so gives them a sense of self righteousness...destructive to a healthy society but nevertheless self righteousness in their own mind...what little mind these insignificant minions possess. Hey I'm a little bit off with our changing society here but...does Canada's constitution and charter of rights have provisions in place for "honour killings" specifically by islamic extremists? Do Western Christian's or even Atheist's subscribe to such vicious tenents?

The Great Sage


Blogger Hawwkstar said...

Christains just stab you in the back, commit 'sin' Monday through Saturday and run to church on Sunday for absolution.

8:44 PM, July 09, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you just sit in your little hole and absolve yourself of sin(s)? Oh I forgot you're perfect and free of sin. You're an ethical infant whose core is corrupted withsanctimony.The Great Sage

10:18 PM, July 12, 2011  
Blogger Hawwkstar said...

Sage you are an imbicile! Not every comment is specific to you Dave, the Great Sage. Pretty harsh judgement for a boy who has never had the pleasure of meeting me.

5:56 PM, July 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Often wen i read your words i feel good inside. You make me proud to be a conservtive and even though others disagre with you I think you rrrr pretty great Sage. Kyrstal Nite

6:01 PM, July 13, 2011  
Blogger Hawwkstar said...

Misogny exists in every man, it is a basic tenant of masculinity religion is just one of many excuses men universally use to justify their need to control women. The weaker the man the more he controls.

The men in the West use more subtle means of control through religion 'honor and obey' is still the phrase in the Christain bible used to declare total subservience by the woman to the male. Three quarters of the women who are killed, beaten, and physically abused in the West are done so at the hands of a husband or boyfriend. Western women do not wear burqa or hajabs, we drive and we work but that has become a matter of financial survival for most families. The degrees of misogny may be more rigid and strict in Muslim/Arab areas but it is not a cultural characteristic isolated to Islam. Indeed most Western men consider themselves above their women and many use their physical strength, and size to intimidate in order to get their own way. All men are mysognists they just come in different size packages.

5:12 AM, July 16, 2011  
Blogger Hawwkstar said...

All religion is bad. More people have died, been tortured, been abused because of religion than any other cause in man's history.Even greed can not hold a candle to the amount of death and blood shed religious; differences, dogma, ideologies, fanatics and differing interpretations have caused mankind.

Do you have any idea how many people have been killed, tortured and maimed by the Catholic church since its inception. Religious wars, land wars for church and property, the Popes had their own armies and routinely waged wars killing indiscriminantly. And what about the Inquisitions and what about all the native people in South America, Africa, etc. that have been slaughtered by the Catholic church and its armies in coersion with the Spanish, Italian German and French crowns, The Crusades, and what about all the religious zealots who have committed murders for their religion. Those religious pimples who have no business getting involved with a woman's privacy and her body but because of their religious ideologies are anti-abortion terrorists. They kill doctors and patients and nurses they bomb clinics and they threaten and harass and are terrorists too. Terror, mysogny, dishonesty, violence and the lack of human rights are not isolated inadequacies of Islam. No, all religions are guilty of the same actions. All religious are rooted in man's inability to survive without the guidance, guilt, fear, restrictions, dogma, mythology of an everlasting life dependent upon the observance and obedience to the principles, guidelines and restrictions placed by religions.One better be a good 'god fearing' plebe and follow the code set out by whatever god you are brought up with.

Whether Imam, Priest, Pastor, Reverand or holy representative of any religion it does not matter because when applying their interpretations of god's words it is possible to commit any haneous offence as long as it is sanctioned by the church, mosque, synagogue whatever. Religious writings and their interpretations by those who hold esteemed religious positions whether Islam, Catholic, Lutheran, Jewish, etc. have been used to insite, conduct and justify great horrors throughout the history of mankind. No man is an island on to himself and no religion is as good as it pretends to be. If humans were universally more intelligent and educated the effects of religion would be diminished to the benefit of mankind.

6:16 AM, July 16, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From my little absolution hole here you should know we used to have to make up sins to tell the priest at Friday confession when I was in grade school. Good old Catholic church - as a young child in grades 1,2,3 we would make up things so that we had sins to tell in the confessional and ask forgiveness for. The ritual was going to the confessional not the absolution of any sins because what sins do children commit? The control maintained by religion is what is important it is not the word of a god. Politics, religion, greed and corruption are the four feathers of man's innate weakness to thrive in the world we have now rather than living for an imagary world that you might get to if you lived your life the religious right way. It is all Bunk and just a way to make money and make people miserable. The Messenger

7:01 AM, July 16, 2011  
Blogger Hawwkstar said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7:13 AM, July 16, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Religion is a cover for being a bad person on the inside. If you are bad on the inside you can conduct yourself in very righteous ways that hide the true self. Like those evangelical preachers who get caught having homosexual relations yet preach the moral indecency of anything other than one man one woman. Hypocracy is the blessing to all those who pretend religious sanctity. It is those people who seem to judge others and their religions most harshly. They are the ones who present themselves as upstanding religious moral figures. It does not matter which religion they adhere to. 77 Vestil Virgins just waiting in heaven is the same as the heaven with angels and saints awaiting all good Christains. Life should be lived to the best of your abilities with goodness, generosity of heart and spirit and compassion that is the way to enter the next level of existence no matter what god you believe in.
7:13 AM, July 16, 2011

7:40 AM, July 16, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As goes the West so goes the Arab world. Arab's are just beginning the road to freedom and democracy and like the West they will progress and their religion will recede as has religion in the West. They will be free when the West is totally controlled by the false guise of a democracy that stifles its people, controls completly through the politics of religion and conservative dogma.

As America declines the upsurge in evangelical religions and their uptight belief in the Rapture (myth that appears nowhere in any religious documents or doctrines of the bible)and its effect on the Republican party indicates decline is assured. Once religion and politics are combined the philosophy does render the country
impotent and the people become of no consequence just like it was in the Arab world for so long. Petrie Dish

8:02 AM, July 16, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Religion just provides those who lack spirituality a hope for a future existence in a heaven. Without the bonds of religion, man would probably be more advanced and less likely to kill each other.

8:16 AM, July 16, 2011  

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