Saturday, June 18, 2011

A quote from "Shakedown Socialism"

The book "Shakedown Socialism" is a well written parody of today's Left Wing Utopia.
The writter, Oleg Atbashian is a "Bratchik" from Kiev Ukraine of the former Soviet Socialist nightmare empire. He has witnessed first hand the evils of fairness and redistribution that the left so viamently promotes without the awareness of the ramifications of so vile an ideology.
Here is a quote from chapter six...If some people had wings and others didn't, and the government wanted to enforce fairness soon no one would have wings. Because wings cannot be redistributed, they can only be broken. Likewise a government edict cannot make people smarter or more capable, but, it can impede those with potential. Wouldn't it be fair if, in the name of equality, we scar the beautiful, cripple the atheletes, lobotomize the scientists, blind the artists and sever the hands of musicians? Why not?
If you care about freedom and if you want to ensure a future for your children then read this book. Liberalism will never make sense you... as it has not made sense to me since 1992. Remember...if you're under 20 and not a liberal you have no heart...if you're over 30 and still a liberal then you have no brain.

The "Cold Hearted" Great Sage.


Blogger Hawwkstar said...

Your interpretations and definitions of the 'left' always center on the extreme. That is where you make your biggest mistakes. By equating freedoms, restricted government control and the individual with the rigid restrictions of any political or religious extremes makes your comments on liberalism redundant.
If you would just try to differentiated between the 'left' and the Extreme you might muster up more agreements and or support.

1:10 AM, June 19, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The truth does hurt. Is it too extreme for you. I am not looking to muster up any support. People are free to choose the ideology of their choice...but...don't think that I or we will be part of any ideology that is EXTREME. You do not understand the left wing agenda. It is counter productive. It's about total government control. Feed the sheep a handful of grain and they will continue to follow. Let them graze for themselves and they will develope the instinct to survive. An instinct that is stripped from them when flocked into a centralized collective. Maybe I should be more subtle in my comparison's would that suit your liking. OK let's not break the wings of those who can fly let's just take one of them and redistribute it to those without...same result; both are incapable of flight. The sooner this audience heeds the evils of the Left the sooner this country, this culture will recover the instincts that have been robbed of them by liberalism. People such as youself hawwkstar don't realize what the firearms act, C68 was intended to do. Hitler did the exact same thing in 1933..."finaly we have a civilized society where only those in control will have weapons". Is the truth too extreme for you? Alice in Wonderland thought so.The Great Sage

11:16 AM, June 19, 2011  
Blogger Hawwkstar said...

So, tell me which Extreme is worse - Fascism or Communism? Both ideologies, as applied by man, are responsible for the oppression and death of millions. Who was worse Hitler or Stalin? Who killed more? Answer the question without a 20 page lecture!

3:13 PM, June 19, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While perusing your blog I noticed you censored at least 24 comments from one blog entry alone. I will no longer participate in discourse with your blog if censorship is your way of ignoring peoples opinions. I enjoyed the variety of comments and the communications contained herein. However, I will not support any blog author who instigates issues for debate (which is good)and then censors the comments he receives in response to instigations. Too Right for me. Moderna Sufi

11:56 AM, June 20, 2011  

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