Saturday, June 11, 2011

Racism and Bias

What determines a "racist"? Is it a person who prefers "white" toast over "burned black"? On that note if a person requests burned black toast is he implying the lynching of Negro's? Maybe to be on the safe side we should just order plain rye bread or no toast at all.What if a White person wishes to implement an all "white" educational bursary such as the "Afro American College fund"?Could an organization named N.O.W., Normal Organization of White's compare to theĀ  N.A.A.C.P., National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People?Should White Western tourists be free from racial profiling while travelling predominately Black 3rd world countries? i.e. when police are given a tip that a "White MAn" committed a crime in a black community/country all Whites are stopped and interrogated at gun point I might add and the barrel of that gun is forced into your rib cage to the point of leaving a mark. Is it racist to be "PROUD" of one's colour even if one is White? Again...for those who consider themselves to be educated I'm not saying "Juan" I am saying "One" as in singular or not plural, as if I was referring to the number of functioning brain cells inside the head of a liberal.Because a person can see right through Obama and his flawed policies does that mean he/she is a racist?If a person provides financial assistance or medical aid to a number of families in a 3rd world country does that mean they "ostensibly" care for those people? If one thinks that it is time to end "Reparation" for slavery and insist on EQUALITY FOR ALL is he/she evil towards Blacks? Would a Hetro Pride day be acceptable in today's "progressive" society? Given that women have their own advocacy and support groups would it be misogynistic for men to have theirs, such as M.A.N. the Male Action Network? Given the financial dichotomy that exists in today's world should people with more than $500.00 in their bank account be ordered to support another's drug habit? Should 1st world countries agree to an "International Tax" in the amount of 1.7% of it's GDP that would go directly to the United Nation' know, the same group that is comprised (not compromised for those of you educated folks)of mostly Arab and rogue states?Is advancement based on one's merit rather than minoral status racist or biased?Given that the Great Sage is an ignorant bigot who is out of touch with reality clarification on these issues would be so enlightening (not lightning...for our educated contributors).Maybe "Bedwetter" Bob can steer me in the "RIGHT" direction...of course...that "Depends" on the number of beers the imbiber has inhaled within his first hour of being awake.

The Great Sage


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sage you knock your readers as 'leftists','welfare cases', leaches on society. You hate immigrants and might tolerate them if they swear allegiance to 'consertaive dogma' and give up their culture and religion to become evangelical Borg and you insult every free thinker who comments with truth. Yup, you are a Great example of Sagehood. The name is as inconsistent and ridiculous as your postings are. Mullosk 1

9:08 AM, June 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I gave a list of questions that require a yes or no but the myopic contributers here are afraid to answer them because it will shut them up. Do you think that just because you are liberal you are immune to retaliation. Put things into context without the emotional bias. I'm not going to even attempt to explain myself. For anybody to insinuate that I "hate" those in need of social assisstance or somebody's race/culture etc. is the epitome of ignorance. For you to call sombody an "idiot" sounds real loving too. Facts stand on their own and liberals hate the facts. You prefer creative reality because the truth is just too ugly to accept.Here again is a simple one, or two...should a person be free to eat bacon and eggs without the fear of being stoned to death?Do homosexuals have the right to life, as normal err excuse me, straight people do?Maybe you can blame I, The Great Sage for polluting the atmosphere with copius amounts of So2, CO, As, H2So4, Ch4 and over two hundred more chemicals.Obama, the golfing president, blames the Private Sector for all the pollutants in the air so why should I be exempt. In fact the "Bammer" said " I have no problem with anyone wishing to expand their coal operation but they're going to go broke doing it because the taxes will punish them into bankruptcy. Now that's the way to initiate economic recovery. The Great Sage

10:03 PM, June 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Toga's are comfortable. And how do you know that I go to "Toga Night" every Thursday at Hedonism II in Negril Jamaica?Tis Moi

10:06 PM, June 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:26 AM, June 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We watch you so we know where you go and who you talk to. Earl

7:11 AM, June 15, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Earl I watch me too. Keep watching and maybe you'll learn...maybe.I am ETC.

7:27 PM, June 18, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Down Boy - What are you gonna do Sprinkle Sage Dust the blue fairies gave you all over the web until you find me? Be a man and issue threats while wearing a toga and pom poms.Yeh I should fear a man who entered a little boys Madrassa. When you censor the truth, you prove that the 'truth hurts'. Ya brought Crocodile tears of laughter to my eyes. I smell a Rat. Bawating Bob

1:46 AM, June 19, 2011  

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