Thursday, June 02, 2011

Something interesting

In 1935 Persia changed it's name to Iran...which means "land of Aryans". Hitler was idolized by the Shia Muslims of Persia, now Iran, because of his committed hatred towards the Jews. Germany's hatred was equal to that of the nation of islam. Is everybody familiar with the "Aryan Nation"? They're a famous Pro Nazi organization famous for hating Jews, Blacks and Queers...just like Iran. Let's face it, and anybody who thinks differently is a "Kool-aid drinker", Iran controls the muslim states i.e. Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, and is fueling the muslim brotherhood in Egypt, Lybia and Syria. Their main goal is to destroy Israel. To this day Achmadimajad denies the holocaust. He constantly implies the destruction of the Jewish state by driving it into the stipulated by Allah.
So is the Aryan Nation supposed to be tolerated now? Are we as Westerners supposed to give up our way of life just to accommodate those who hate us? Here is a culture that openly despises JEWS...CHRISTIANS....ATHEISTS....BLACKS....NEW AGERS....QUEERS(or new agers)and denies that the holocaust ever took place and it goes unbothered by the liberal left. A constant threat to world peace and totally untrustworthy Iran is the root of WWIII...the clash of civilizations is here now.
Now tell me where I am wrong. And I don't mean name calling


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did I ever mention anything that alludes to me  hating  queers, most races and everybody else? Please be specific so I can correct my position. And what are you the "messenger" of? Embelishment? And just so you know The Sage is worshiped throughout the known and "unknown" world. I have to laugh...seriously I have to laugh...and I am. I love it. The left is exposed for exactly what it is, implacable, intolerant, unreasonable, illogical, infantile, inept and impractical and oh yes  "INTOLERABLE". Being in the same room with each other for more than 10minutes would cause each and everyone of you to suffer from the heart break of psoriahsis and acute hemmoroidal discomfort. I only print the truth you toss slander. Maybe you just don't possess the capability required to understand what is going on around you. I'm still laughing and if you listen very carefully you can hear me in the back of your shallow you hear me now.The Great Sage

5:37 PM, June 03, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And why would I hate the poor when I am one of them?

I am ETC.

5:41 PM, June 03, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But in recent blog entries you expound on the grrreeeeaaaattttt success and the grreeeaaaattttt contributions you and your company have made to the world. Dave, you do nothing for free and the other Dave can verify that. Bawating Bob

7:35 AM, June 04, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only place the sage is worshipped is in your own mind Dave. There isn't even a remote possibility that people in the bowels of the neo-con movement know who you are.


7:44 AM, June 04, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there any hope for the ignorant?I know I know "blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth"...after the strong are done with it.Re. the humble mentioning of my worldy accomplishments...I AM STILL POOR. The reason being because it's the Private Sector, of which I am a proud contributor, that pays the freight for everybody. The "Commenteurs" that so boldy spew their rhetoric  behind the cloak of anonymous, are oblivious (not obvious as these are two separate words) to the tax structure in this socialist state. And people wonder why there are no jobs in this country. But!!!there is the reward of being something that most people are not and only wish they could be. There's the satisfaction of not only being able to express one's self but to finance a counter point. It's about being involved with people of stature. People with international roots who share the same philosophy and sense of business...people who are the players. One never knows how ignorant others can be until one allows others to share their thoughts. You've confirmed what the almighty SAGE has always known. Think seriously for a moment, without factoidal influence or anecdotal modification, about your left wing perspective. Now apply your perspective to reality. For instance, and we'll leave God out of this...if the marriage of two people of the opposite sex was normal shouldn't nature have equipped one of those partners with the ability to reproduce with the other? If only two men or two women remained on the planet how does life continue? If everyone was on social assistance where would the money come from? If companies are taxed to the point of destroying profit why stay here to do business? (perfect example manufacturing is gone to China).Do innocent people have a right to defend themselves from an attacker?Should a person enjoy special status because of their colour? Should a White person be treated any less than a Black or Red or whatever? Never never forget I am correct only by virtue of the truth. The wisdom that graces this site is gratuitously passed onto whomever is educated enough to take heed. The information contained herein is dangerously applicable to everyday life. The G R E A T   S A G E.

8:48 PM, June 06, 2011  
Blogger 2Wolfbane said...

Mr.Iranian Sage please just answer one question ARE YOU FOR REAL?

5:57 AM, June 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:16 PM, June 08, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Wolfbane do you follow what's really going on out there? Do you know anything about history? Do you think James Loney is a hero?I realize I must appear as a mythical genius but yes I am for real. I want one response from you dustbane or wolfbane on a couple of questions...should Iran be condemned for it's nuclear you think Israel has a right to exist...does Israel have the right to defend itself...should the use of women and children as human shields by muslim terrorists be "homosexuals" have the right to exist in Islamic or Western people have the right to worship the deity of their choice?????.I'm interested to know your position. These are loaded questions. Your revelation is near.One last on second thought I will leave this question for another day...but not yet...not yet.I am ETC.

10:46 PM, June 08, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Myth alone makes you a genius. The Wise Old Owl

9:23 PM, June 12, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Myth the standard your sorry life depends on , Can't make you a genius , but genius leaves myth behind . How phony your life is .
You aspire to be noticed by the ruling P. C.'S and enter politics.
I can hear the whine now , awwww how come everybody else gets stuff and i don't . I held your hand , what a mistake that was . GOOD SAMARITAN , You did nothing but steal , from me and any one else you imposed yourself on . What has held your soul to this planet? Nothing but evil and lies .

8:21 PM, June 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many faces do you see in that famous mirror Sage? Answer the question. The Messenger

3:32 PM, June 19, 2011  

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