Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Advice for the Left Wing

Now that Canada has finally got what it so desperately needed, a functioning government, it's time for the Liberal and New Desperate Proletariat (NDP) to sit back, shut up and maybe contemplate the following: realize that the May Day celebration was only a dream. Your pseudo-Russian revolution will have to wait. It's time you began to deal with reality. You'll have to prepare yourself for the harsh words of working friends and relatives that you only see around your birthday.
Save your drunken rantings about the failure of Capitalism for your out of work artist buddies or university "trained" socio-philosopher grads that couldn't change a flat tire. Create a simple budget. Most post-election blues suffered by socialists are the result of the fact that there won't be a government funding program to pay for debts incurred leading to major depression. 95% of left wing agitators depend on their family for handouts, failing that they look towards a government job otherwise known as welfare. But just to mitigate the withdrawal of the fall of socialism you can always go down to the local book store and drum up enough material to create some meaningless agitprop's for your futile "Support Communism Demonstration"...given that a permit is needed for a public gathering I think you should be OK given that the criteria is a group of 6 or more to meet that requirement. Maybe try wearing something other than Red or Orange. Occasionally, put on a Blue sweater...it's OK...millions of people all around the world, where socio-communism has failed, or fascism was beat into the ground, do it every day. If Post Election Depression is taking it's toll maybe you should hunt down a Capitalist doctor to suggest a remedy so as to not interfere with daily activities like sleeping or binge drinking.
Drop the holier than thou attitude. Not everyone you meet is going to agree with your socialist communist backwards ideology. That only worked when you were sucking up to your university professor or Toni Martin. Your snide "collectivist" remarks generate hope and change only with those who hope there is more change in the public welfare coffers.
I hope this little offering transforms your (May) day into somewhat of a more tolerable day. You'll get over it if you wear a BLUE SWEATER to bed at night for the next 4 months. Hey look at it this way at least our GUNS ARE SAFE.


The Great Sage.


Blogger 2Wolfbane said...

If you think your guns and medical care are safe you are a dreamer the cons. have just been given the green light to proceed with their real plans. Just wait and see. How will you justify these changes?

8:14 AM, May 04, 2011  
Blogger Dave said...

Change will justify itself.
Don't worry you can celebrate Cinco de Mayo and Che Gervera tomorrow.


1:00 PM, May 04, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave have you got any original comments or smears of your own? Everything you write is stolen fom others but, I quess that's how you conservatives have to orerate. You have been assimilated you are BORG. The Crayfish

2:20 PM, May 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fear of the conservatives forced a high NDP vote and the obvious switch by liberals to the cons out of fear.Conservative meta messages scared the elderly and that is no way to begin a majority govt. Even you will regret the outcome. The crayfish is dead on - Hey collective Borg when do the re-programming camps officially open in northern Ontario? Word has it you have been offered the Commandant position. Heil Dave, Heil Borg! Petrie Dish

2:36 PM, May 05, 2011  
Blogger Hawwkstar said...

Now you are BORG Dave and you like it. Befits your mind and expressed opinions as following is your forte. Congratulations on your assimilation BORG.

10:42 AM, May 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A friend of mine was BORG until he was freed. Now, he can read and write,think his own thoughts and subsequently rejected all forms of hypocracy. He is free from the lowest common denominator and has a life now. GangaBob

8:31 PM, May 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Gangabob you've said quite a bit there. Actually I thought I was going to be "board" but after reading that inspirational reply I think I'll just be a plank.
Hey I'm glad your friend can think for himself and his free of hypocracy.

The Great Sage

9:21 AM, May 09, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Crayfish...I am not an Ideologue such as yourself my opinions are that of MY OWN. You see crawdad or fish, Conservatives don't need a group huddle to suggest what the next talking points will be as we are quite capable of thinking for ourselves. Because we share the same mandate it is quite common for some of our ingenious and motivating and sometime's introspective thoughts to overlap. The Sage does not plagerise. "If" a quote is borrowed it is delineated as such or taken for granted that the people reading are intelligent enough to be familiar with said quotation. The slanderous accusation that you have hurled is typical of the childish left. Have YOU nothing of importance to contribute that may influence someone to think that maybe, just maybe the left has a valid point...about something other than just another sickening emotional rant? and where's our handout?Oh and by the way corroborating evidence to the contrary is always required. Amateurs are so annoying.The Great OneĀ 

8:54 PM, May 10, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off Anonymous you lose points for being a coward..can't even come up with a stage name, second you lose points for the same old left wing lunatic talking points. The elderly were scared by the CURRENT state of health care instituted by the commissars in the liberal socialist/communist camps of trudeau. God I hate splainin things to idiots, and part of the trudeau plan was taken right out of Hitlers "Eugenics" program. Don't fucking talk stupid about health care. Of course you know nothing about "eugenics".Start paying attention to what's going on in the world and maybe by the time another election roles around maybe you'll have transformed into an acceptable Conservative rather than a babbling liberal fool who just can't get away from the same old liberal talking points. Remember commrades LIBERALISM is a MENTAL DISORDER. While we're at it the Great Sage is pleased to promote the number one best sellers for the last two years. Bold Fresh by Bill O'Reilly...Arguing with Idiots by Glen Beck...Liberalism is a Mental disorder by Michael Savage....101 People Who are Screwing up America...Bernard Goldberg...How to Talk to a Liberal(if you must) by Anne Coulter...Treason, Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to Terrorism by Anne Coulter and Liberal Lies about the American Right. And don't forget to listen to Rush Limbaugh and FOX NEWS.The GReat Sage

9:14 PM, May 10, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like someone said earlier you make a great 'whoopie cushion' for the expression for the Retrogressive Right. Commisar Sufi

7:54 PM, May 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what is gay marriage? The world doesn't gain anything other than another possible case of aids. The human race does not pro create with same sex unions.
Maybe you can explain the "good" in permitting the exploitation of our children. Unlike the "Progressive" Left, I consider the marriage to girls as young as 7years of age to be exploitation and child abuse with rape. It's sick, it's despicable and it's "Sharia Law"...Muslim Law!!!
Burying one's head in the sand is also Progressive.
You may refer to me as a regressive neo-con any day of the week...after you've gotten out of bed at high noon, but, the fact of the matter is that the truth is still the truth and no matter how much you whine about the situation it ain't going to change...so...start paying attention to what's being written.
They say that "the mind is a terrible thing to waste", to all neigh-sayers, you just might want to rethink about how impractically inept your ideological position is. Before you condemn the black and white truth think about how foolish you'll sound trying to advocate lies. Of course the lies are the result of a liberal education system and media that supports, again, the flawed ideal of Liberal Multiculturalism or the Mosaic society. It's interesting to see just how far a segment of society can sink. Willing to forfeit everything their anscestors fought tooth and nail for and all in the name of Political Correctness. Now it's reverse bias with no mercy. Thankyou Liberals, CBC and the CRTC. Congratulations you've done a great job in creating mindless Einstein's with not a hint of practical instinct.

The Great Sage

9:29 PM, May 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what GOOF you are Dave Sage

6:12 PM, May 15, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dave where did your family come from? If this is your native country that would make you an Indian you Ukranian son of immigrants. GangaBob

6:14 PM, May 15, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe just maybe somebody can grow at least one brain cell before they comment. Again everybody's emotions have obscurred their rational ability to reply...with common sense.
Is this the best that can be expected?. Are my opponents that unworthy? Childish name calling doesn't cut it when attempting to convince someone that you have a valid (in this case invalid) point/counterpoint.
Again...Arguing With Idiots is a great book.

The Great Sage

6:29 AM, May 17, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What GOOF you are Dave Sage"? Please pause for a moment, clean the mayonaise from your eyebrows and maybe change your underwear this month...the odour is imprinted into the minds of your commrades at the Soup Kitchen and they're begining to talk. Take a hard look at whatever you write not just this psycho dyslexic comment. First of all, permit me to advise you of your defective abilities. Second your defective abilities had a causal effect on the composition of your 6 word sentence. You forgot the delineative word "A" and you forgot the word "NOT". But...because of the compassionate and benevolent nature of The Great Sage it is morally mandated that I overlook the inadequacy that burdens you and shed a shekel's worth of pity. There it's done.Next time you reply have your mother proof read your comment. You must work for the government somehow or somewhere?!?!?!?The Great Sage

7:41 PM, May 18, 2011  

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