Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Muslim Woman Seeks to Revive Institution of Sex-Slavery

Muslim Woman Seeks to Revive Institution of Sex-Slavery

Hello every body The Great Sage is here so you can momentarily cancel those burdensome thoughts of suicide; just remain calm and collected and if necessary make contact with this blog site as many times in an hour as needed. Just when you think the world has let you down and islamo-fascism has failed to sprout new roots in Canada, due to the "RE-ELECTION" of Mr. Stephan Harper, all you need to do is consult with the Great Sage. I'm sure everybody got through the major power outage yesterday given that everyone was prepared in advance i.e. gas fired barbecue or the ability to ignite a fire in order to cook a meal for the kids, some extra cash on hand due to the fact that interact and credit cards are useless during a power outage, 10 gallons of spare gasoline on hand to fill the emergency generator(s), that I know all of my faithful "commenteurs" are equipped with, 5gallons of emergency water is always in stock with my faithful follower's so I wouldn't have to mention that and last but never least a satellite phone to make emergency calls when the cell phones or land lines don't work due to the lack of power. One thing is for certain, regardless of political ideology,the Sage's follower's are always prepared...salute to you guys it's well deserved...hey Bawating Bob you didn't forget to check into your aged parents did you? I'm sure you did, given the fact that you still live at home all you had to do was walk upstairs and look. Boy all of this government subsidized GREEN ENERGY and we go without because of a power outage. Now to the "guts" of my entry.
Just when we thought the world might be leaning towards a system free of slavery...I know I know, at one time they would've called us slaves now they call us taxpayers. Regardless barbarity dictates that slavery will not disappear in any form or another. Contrary to the liberal delusion slavery and backwards uncivilized tribes still exist in 3rd world countries...yes the same 3rd world countries that the sloven cultures emigrate from, even their aspiring young suicide bombers. As per this slavery stuff I thought it was all our fault. After all we are wicked white Westerner's. But there seems to exist a slight problem with the Western Christian mandate, either "Western women aren't whoreish enough in bed or we don't have enough sex slaves" or markets that dispense sex slaves. And one must remember under islamic law there are no queer slaves due to the fact that all queers are beheaded during the "takeover of Western civilization". Being raised in the Christian West I never really gave any of this stuff consideration until I took 21 years of my life to see how a 3rd world system works, and yes I do winter in Jamaica (major 3rd world since 1991) but that is only an intermediate stop point central to my travels throughout the southern hemisphere. Latin America and Caribbean and supplying skilled labour for the Paradise Island development in the Bahama's. My perspective has been refined inside the trench's, so to speak. There is a reason why I am so against liberal socialism and the islamic influence of an ignorant votary. Slavery is a repugnant fact of life rampant throughout islamic culture in fact it was the Queen of Nigeria back in the mid-1600's that gave her own tribe members as slaves to the Dutch. A Black woman giving away her own people as slaves to the White Man...and yet we are burdened with the stigma of slave masters.
Hmmm go to the market and buy a sex slave. Well after the islamization of the West we won't have to worry about sex because we'll have been over run by muslim hoards. That fits right into the liberal "ARYAN" plan.
Well "Bed-wetter Bob" the Mollusk and Wolfbane and the entire list of insignificants might want to defend this sense of islamic normalcy given they despise everything about Western Capitalist culture; more specifically Myself and the truth that I print here.
While we're dabbling in facts here are some questionable points to ponder throughout your day .
Why is it that most aircraft accidents occur while in flight? Why do all burns involve heat?
Why do ALL drownings occur in the water? How is it that 100% of all gun shot wounds are the result of somebody pulling a trigger?
Why does bread always land butter side down? Why do cats always land on their matter the distance of the fall whether it be from a 10th story apartment or from a moving vehicle at slow or high speed?the real puzzler though is in what position would a cat land if a piece of buttered bread was attached (butter side up) to it's back and it was tossed over a balcony?
Now I know these questions are very perplexing but somewhere the answer can be found. It's too bad the liberal's aren't in power because they would've financed the study of these questions and somewhere, somehow a very definitive answer would crop up. I guess for now we'll just have to exist in bewilderment and hopefully derive at the answer's ...before it's too late.

Oh yes and one more thing...why do liberal's hate the truth, more specifically the purveyors' of the truth?

The Great Sage


Blogger 2Wolfbane said...

The only one who hates you is you. As I read through this blog I see you to be a conflicted man. Your readers just point out whenever you are wrong historically, they correct your misuse of and distortions of truth and fact. None of your readers degrade people for their persuasions. Instead, they correct and challenge some of the ridiculous comments you make in your postings.

5:00 AM, June 09, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Great Sage if you had only posted your advice before the outage. Thank you because now we can all 'be prepared' for the next power disruptions. Satellite phones are good but, the HAARP system is hooked directly into my home and communications are the least of my worries. If you got a second job that offered benefits and money you could get HAARP too. A Boy Scout is always Prepared. Petrie Dish

8:10 PM, June 09, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Challenge the truth? Ignorance is sometimes a person's best least it's an alibi for failing at argument. What is it that people do not understand? All that is being done on this site is the displaying of information that the main stream media and 35 years of liberalism have kept away from the masses.I hate know one and love myself...yeh now call me a narcisist. People fear what they don't know and boy oh boy one can feel the fear on this site. The truth sucks doesn't it? Why don't one of you find an article out there that shows how loving Islam is towards the West? Find a quote from a "reputable" Hamas or PLO leader where he or they condemn jihad and hatred towards "infidels". Prove me wrong with articles of proof that Al Qaida and the Taliban have no interest in KILLING anybody who is no Muslim. Prove me wrong when I say the Taliban blew up, destroyed ancient statues of Buddah throughout Afghanistan...ancient history for all of mankind to learn from. Irreplaceable antiquity. Tell me I'm lying.need I sign out?

8:19 PM, June 09, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hitler, Franco, Mussolini, Bush II, are well known figures who represent right wing conservative ideology. Hitler is responsible for WWII, the death of millions, blatant racism and genocide. Franco and Mussolini followed in the footsteps of Hitler and committed crimes just as haneous but on much smaller scales. Bush II is responsible for the deaths of at least 150,000, caused an unprovoked war in Iraq, a war in Afghanistan hunting for one man, bankrupted the world's Superpower, almost provoked WWIII and tried very hard to incite a 'holy war', committed crimes against humanity, broke US and UN laws and International Treaties by sanctioning and ordering torture, rendition, waterboarding, lied to his country numerous times,'outed' an undercover CIA agent ETC. ETC. ETC. Name four liberals who are guilty of the same grevious behaviours. Then tell us all how wonderful being 'right' is.

Communists, Marxists, Royalty, religious figures and religions are not Liberal by any definition so do NOT include anyone who belongs to any other persuasion but Liberal. Belvin Pratt

8:48 PM, June 09, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you so unconvinced with your political leanings that you have to use the most 'fanatic' examples of Religious dogma to support your opinions against liberals? Confusing the Taliban, Hezbollah, Hamas and Al Qaida with Liberalism is both desperate and absurd as none are Liberal by any stretch of the imagination. Even the Great Sage is not so influential that his truth can be accepted above actual historical and known facts. Temper your hatred with a smidgen of reality and your readers might have something to agree with. The Master

9:14 PM, June 09, 2011  
Blogger Hawwkstar said...

Clonazepam will help you overcome and deal with your OCD and will temper your obsessions. Ativan and valium are not designer drugs and will not address 'obsessive compulsive' thoughts and behaviours.

9:53 AM, June 11, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every time you pay for a lap dance or pay for sex you are guilty of 'sex-slavery'. Whether you buy gifts, pay for trips, buy dinners, drinks and drugs for a women simply because of sex - you are in the 'sex-slavery' business. Maybe your connections provide free sex in exchange.
Bawating Bob

9:58 AM, June 11, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oppression, lack of freedom, abuse and the lack of education and opportunity create hopelessness. Out of hopelessness, shame, and confinement at the hands of theocratic rulers who rape the land to increase their own wealth has created the atmosphere of despair. Desperation and hopelessness are the foundations of 'terror' and until the causes are addressed there is no possibility to change it. Mullosk 1

10:57 AM, June 11, 2011  
Blogger Dave said...

I'll get my reply in here as soon as I quit lauging...ha ha ha x 10.
OK it's been 20minutes of gut splitting laughter now and I'm in the process of calming down. guys are amazingingly gifted; that is of course if all of you are in the same phsyciatric ward. I don't need valume, or clozapan, or whatever else one of you mentioned. I don't pay for lap dances and I have not been to a strip club in probably 15years. Yes it is a form of slavery...self imposed slavery that is, women put themselves into that position. This isn't an Arab Emirate where White women are forced into such theatrics...hence slavery.
And what's with the theocracy???Leave God out of this. Mankind is here to shape his own destiny and economy. It's a thriving economy that feeds the working and non working. If you want to see the rape and pillage of mother earth look at the tree huggers and peace-niks. Perfect example of this is in lands where there is no economic developement, all of the third world. Many diseases emanate from a simple thing as not using toilet paper...belly it's referred to in African and West African nations. Don't digress. I get to the environment and economic destroyer's as soon as I'm finished with Allah. Everybody just insert the "Pear of Anguish" and relax for a bit. Please ensure that all rotted teeth have first been removed. Do you guys really hate yourself that much that you're willing to give away what little tradition we have left?
By the time 2025 rolls around this country is going to be overrun by "non-traditional" primitve tribes. There's also the 'Iron Maiden" and "impalement" for those of you who have a fear saying awwwww. I think Achmadimijad can assist any of you with experiencing these devices.


3:15 PM, June 11, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And to address the mollusk re. his comment with respect to the ill's created by "lack of education","oppression", and "lack of freedom" etc., what the hell do think liberalism has done to this country? The lack of freedom is evident in the expansion of the criminal code (three times in 20years)by the liberals. There are 10,000 different ways to convict a person in this country when all that is required to maintain civility is the Ten Commandments....simple. That way the lawyers don't get as rich.I listed some simple yes or no questions and have yet to receive a response...sooooooooo....let me help you. The answer to those questions is, "Conservatively" speaking is YES. All of which are ignored/violated by islamic tribal cultures. The same tribal cultures that are transforming the human landscape of the West.I am ETC. 

3:29 PM, June 11, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for laughing at the cause of 'terrorism' stop - and think about it. It has little to do with religion - as long as the people in the west have enough food, toys and things they want all is quiet. When the bellies grumble with hunger and the children cry from starvation then the hopelessness will turn to anger, That anger will manifest into protests, revolts and many acts the government and big business will label as terrorism. Mark my words. Religion is not the cause as it wasn't in France, Libya, Egypt, Russia or any other country that experienced a peoples revolt. Try learning history. Crayfish

7:47 PM, June 12, 2011  

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