Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Hindus protest Muslim prayers at school | Canada | News | Winnipeg Sun

Hindus protest Muslim prayers at school | Canada | News | Winnipeg SunWhat has the Great Sage foretold? This only the beginning. Islam does not permit a "withdrawal of the spirit", Islam takes no back seat to any faith. Once an edict has been confirmed it WILL be mandated. Nobody obstructs the Prophet to Allah...not even those of us who are True Canadians. Meanwhile Denmark, U.K., Norway and all of Europe is on the verge of Islamic takeover and the partial minority of the left remains swamped in denial., Canada's mainstream media CBC and CTV don't inform the votary of the "Global Problem with Islam. The arrogant left with it's refined intellectual approach offers nothing other than condescending appeasement...of which they think warrants praise and admiration. The ignorant left expounds upon the "THEORY" of peace through the virtues of patience, tolerance and goodwill...and the sacrifice of OUR values, traditions and virtues. How many wars have been averted by patience and good will? Neville Chamberlain had the choice between War or dishonour, he chose dishonour and got war anyway.What the fang is to the viper, the sting to the scorpion,Islam is to the Arabs. The viper and the scorpion awaits it's fatal opportunity.It's time to implement a means of constraint. The left is the number one greatest threat to free society...it enables the haters of free society and Islam, in all of it's perverted Arab manipulations, is a hater of Western Free Society. Thank you socialism. The difference between Socialism and Communism is that the socialist tries to lead us to disaster with smooth words and ostensibly "good intentions" where the communist drives us there by wicked deeds and brute force. Socialism is totalitarianism, it is the abject worship of state and a crutch, where without, one cannot stand. It is a government of the duds for the duds by the duds soon to be serfs. How is it that the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy has become so appealing to a country that was once a proud nation and home to the The Greatest Generation on earth, our WWI, WWII and Korean and now Afghanistan Warriors. How did Canada and the United States of America succumb to these depths? Who had the ability to modify the behaviour of a ONCE GREAT nation of people or better yet how did we end up allowing ourselves to become brainwashed with left wing dogma? The media new exactly what it was doing. They knew that if they took the side of the left wing lunatics there would be an endless supply of news. Anything that counters tradition, virtue, ethics and free enterprise is always news.It's not only all forms of property that is struck at, but that liberty in all it's forms is also challenged by the weak, distorted fundamental conceptions of socialism.The left sees the Private Sector as a predatory animal to be shot, some see it as a cow to be milked but the wise know it as a horse pulling a wagon.All men are created equal...socialism keeps all men equal.By examining the comments of some of the readers it is evident that they are the most disagreeable of people. Their soul purpose in life from the moment they awake is to see what they can find to demolish by way of condemnation, to undermine or cast away. And condemn that which(or those of who)they do not agree. I cannot help but to feel a sense of disgust at the arrogant presumption of unequivocal class, their superiority,
superiority of intellect and justice,but, when it comes time to prove their contrasting ideals they fall very hard, below the average of the everyday Joe. Their mouths wrote checks that their brains or brawn couldn't cash.The left knows nothing other than to rivet the shackles of false equality to the heels of those who MAKE the economy. Their classism is a vile hatred and disrespect for those who risk everything to ensure these same spitefully malignant members of the "social structure" have a job to go to every day. And this is the same bunch that claims the Right is generating hatred and fuelling racism to the point of JIHAD.
Left Wing Liberals have out-lived their flawed perspective and there is simply no persuasive logic that could justify leaining to the left. Remember...whenever one leans there is always something there to support them. The foundations of
Moral Tradition and Principle protrude as pillars within a successful culture...Right Wing Pillars of Society. There is no logical explanation for the left wing ideology. Without the Private Right society cannot survive...and that excludes the portion of the Private Sector that survives on tax payer subsidy. And one thing the left had better understand real quick and that is the fact that Islam does not condone "an economy"...which is conducive to the left wing lunatic mentality.

The Great Sage


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do You Lie? Answer the Question.

10:27 AM, July 06, 2011  
Blogger 2Wolfbane said...

Sage, instead of being a verbal reactionary why not take all of your bottled up hatreds, religious dogmas, political ideologies and your crane company and profits and put your money where your mouth is. DO SOMETHING about all the injustices against the 'right' way.

Run for office! You have all the qualities required in politics.

10:32 AM, July 06, 2011  
Blogger Hawwkstar said...

The Hawwkstar thinks Sage would make a good little furer. If he only had the education and the smarts cuz he certainly is arrogant enough!

10:37 AM, July 06, 2011  
Blogger Hawwkstar said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

10:43 AM, July 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you could retire with both pensions and permanently relocate to Negril. There must be a place for you there all signed sealed and delivered. I smell a Rat. Bawating Bob

4:56 PM, July 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bawating Bob are you smelling the Rat tat tat and smoke from a pellet gun? LOL Iva Crack

5:08 PM, July 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the COWARD hiding behind anonymous...No...next question, try something with a little more depth to it will you?To the rest of the flakey liberals out there I am free and unbound of hatred and disdain. The world is my community and the inhabitants are of one blood with the Great Sage.  And to the bed wetter from Bawating if you smell a rat then it's your own breath from all of that garbage you eat. Living in a sewer though you no doubt have a constant mouth load of shit, which will also taint your breath. If you see a rat it's only your reflection from the cesspool of your habitat...you're a fucking RAT and it must really hurt especially during those moments of deep introspection. I'll put my integrity up against yours any daybed wetter. As for living in Negril I already do. Come see the crocs bed wetter or do you think that your incontinence would be cause for you not being permitted on a plane? What's really entertaining is watching a rat flop on the surface of a brackish swamp...right before the kill.Hey stay tuned everybody there's more coming.  Guten morgan dummkapf "Arbeit Macht Frei". There's nothing like a pissed off stupid liberal oh uno momento...there's nothing like pissing off stupid liberals.Oh yes I must admit...everything contained in this blog site is fabricated fallacy. Hold on there bed wetter I didn't print "Phallus". You got a one track mind...as do all RATS. You guys asked for it. Your inability to comprehend the truth leaves you no alternative but to slander and ridicule. I love it and I will fight back but only with a far more superior means of retaliation...the truth.OK everybody there's a prophet sanctioned "Spot the Fag" competition on Yonge St. next week.The winner gets a picture of Jack Layton holding hands with Fazul Abdulah Mohammad, Africa's top Al Qaida operative, and a chunk of grey matter supposedly from the head of Usama bin Laden...has a bit of a foul smell but then again libs love anything that stinks. I am ETC

6:31 PM, July 06, 2011  
Blogger Hawwkstar said...

Whhhooooaa little fellow. The bastardized German was funny but the triade was ridiculous. You are a fraud. Lets discuss some more history how about we discuss the contributions to Western Civilization made by the Moors and lets discuss their impact today. Art, architecture, science, astronomy, medicine... etc. you name it and I'll reply to your inaccuracies again.

7:34 PM, July 06, 2011  
Blogger Hawwkstar said...

Are you keeping up with the media scandal in England ie: Murdock's hacking of phones, lies, murder, threats and celebrity harrassments? By the way Murdock is the Right Wing publisher/owner of FOX and SUN news. I smell a conviction. Oh how the mighty 'right' decline into dishonesty, criminality and bankruptcy.

7:29 AM, July 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Murdock had the ethical decencyto pull the pin on his own network. He took the fall, as all Private Sector people do, for the faults of his employees. For your info. Rupert Murdock is a Left Wing Democrat but he's not a Left Wing Liberal Democrat with lunatic ideals. This infringement on privacy was the act of good unionized employees. Re. the contribution by Islamic moores and such your full of shit right from the start. Islam came into being circa 6-7 century. The Egyptions and Hitites were astrologically engaged 3,500years ago. Anything that was of any significance, Ptolemy grid...smelting of iron, copper and ship design was for the most part their limit to ingenuity...and all of this was a thousand + years before Islam and the prophet cursed peace forever. Hey you brain wave with a keyboard here's a major contribution by your much beloved Moores, 2 days before Columbus set out in 1492 the Jews were purged from Spain by Muslims moores whose inherent hatred and vile contempt for anything not Islamic is no different today...you want proof brainer???they still walk around in their pajama's. You are aware of the terminology here right, before you condemn me with your pathetic implaccable whining,  a " pajam is the garb they use to hide their AK's. Islam wants nothing but poverty. Islam invokes fear. Zero tolerance for apostacy as well as "alleged" infidelity...for women and not killing any family member for dishonouring your name are all charges that end with death by stoning oh oh oh and one more thing, how could I forget, H O M O--S E X U A L I T Y or being a FAGGOT, their term whiner's, not mine...so get that into your brick thick heads. Oh Islam has done a lot for humanity such as forming an alliance with Hitler and by subterfuge planned to convince the Jews to relocate to their homeland where they would be slaughtered enmass. Then in 1948the religion of peace tried to drive the infant Jewish state of Israel into the sea and in 1951 an Islamic edict to kill the king of Jordan (proximity to Israel) as to permit the Grand Mufti to take over and devise the final attack on Israel. Now here's the onion, when the Grand Mufti,"Haj amin Al Husseini" died in 74 he passed power onto his favorite Jew Hating nephew "Mohammed Abdel Raouf Arafat As Qudwa al-Husseini bettern know as "Yasser Arafat". Liberals are constantly shooting their mouth with nothing more than emotional nuances to justify their perspective. You hawkster, and your intellectually defective commrades,are self destructing, as do all left wing liberal lunatics. And don't come back at me with the Jews fighting back to through out the moores in the 1600's as they fucking got what they deserved.Does Islam punish homosexuality with death by stoning??? Answer the fucking question IDIOTS. And that's the twisted faith you and your fellow kulakian prols support.Liberals not only lie to others they lie to themselves.The Great Sage

9:58 PM, July 07, 2011  
Blogger Hawwkstar said...

Incorrect Again and Again and Again Sage. The Catholic church created the Spanish Inquisition to purge the Jews from Spain and then Europe. The Catholic church and the nobility of Europe ie: The French, British, Italian and their Principalities joined forces and united their armies and attacked repeatedly fighting wars to eliminate the Moors from Spain. They culled them and the enlightenment they brought with them. It was the influence of the Arab Moors who brought civilization to Europe including but not limited to medicine, architecture, art, poetry, music, mathematics, science and astronomy to name but a few. In fact, the Moors introduced what is now known as our legal system. These are the facts. Denying the contributions made by any people to our world simply because they believe in a different religion is not a good enough reason for such hatred.

Also Rupert Murdock is a right-wing as they come. He is owner of FOX, SUN and many more neo-con papers and media organizations. He is as corrupt and right-wing as they come. He is the top man in the Murdock empire and therefore is responsible for anything done by or on behalf of his company. In the same way you were supposed to be held responsible for any and all actions of your company. The scandal brewing in England will prove just how corrupt and criminal the right has become thanks to Murdock's money, his politics and abuse of the news.The British government is instituting two top level Royal Inquiries into the Murdock Media Empire and its illegal behaviours and criminal activities. Murdock is more conservative, more right wing and more corrupt then you are.

Two days before Columbus sailed King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella ruled Spain not the Moors. In fact, the Jews were blamed for the Black Death by the Catholic church during the Middle Ages and their purging from Spain and parts of Europe resulted. Thus, millions of Jews fled to lands under Russia's control and influence. They also spread to the Germanic regions, the Ukraine, Hungary, and other areas.

As for countries that coluded with Germany during WW II there were many including America, Britain at first, France became apart of the Reich as the Vichy government capitulated and actually did Hitler's dirty work for him in France. Yes, they sent their own French born Jews to the concentration camps leaving only those French born Jews with less than 1/32 Jewish blood and only if it was on the mother's side.

So Sage,when I correct your many inaccuracies I do so without name calling, without quoting from others putdowns and I do not point out how stupid and ignorant of the facts you are. I do not insult or make jokes about how illiterate and uninformed you are and never have I, nor would I, resort to infantile threats and petty little comments that do nothing except prove your lack of knowledge,your hatred and fear of anyone or anything different. Do yourself a favour and familiarize yourself with topics you choose to discuss before going off half cocked making up erroneous imaginary events that are simply untrue, inaccurate and ridiculous.

The more you rant and rave with your self-contrived versions of history that employ imaginary events, imaginary historical facts filled with inaccuracies that border on the sublime and ridiculous the less credible you are. In fact, the more fraudulent your writings are the more reasons you give to be corrected. When 'cutting and pasting' do yourself a favour and plagerize from credible sources.

11:27 PM, July 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't correct the facts with your perception of creative reality. Now you're denying the purge of the jews in 1492. You are totally devoid of what the point is here. Look you fool, contrary to your liberal belief, Islam is not the Religion of Peace that you're bred to believe...bred by liberals for liberals. I understand that your ignorance is of no fault of your own. You just haven't been around enough to know how the world operates and until you can prove that you've spent 23years in a third world system all you know is what some liberal teacher taught you using propagated factoids and prejudice fallacies. The moores were North African barbarians intent on the overthrow of anything civilized. In fact the same MUSLIM barbarians were the pride of the Barbary Coast pirates. They robbed and pillaged the shipping lanes throughout the Mediterrainan/N.Africa Atlantic coast and did so only up until 1805+- when the newly formed Marines Corp. of the United States of America took them on. There's always been problems with radical islam and you and your other pathetic liberal "commrades" continue to deny it. Oh and I guess the Bsrbary Coast is all a fabricated myth as well? Don't start preaching out of your  source of quasi knowledge in attempt to discredit my message...it will not work. This site will go on until I say enough.T H E   G R E A T   S A G E.  

12:24 AM, July 08, 2011  
Blogger Hawwkstar said...

Now the Muslims are responsible for the Barbary Coast piracy that thrived throughout the region for centuries. We will discuss this next. The Muslims were a part of the organized piracy however, King Sulliman the wealthy was bankroller of specific elements of the piracy but only to arrange enough slave workers to build his estate and manage his properties. I have been there and have walked through his once vast holdings. In fact his horse stables alone are larger and more decadent than most castles in Europe at the time.I can educate you on this too. For the Record most of the Barbary Coast pirates were defectors from the organized navies of the British, French and Spanish forces. They thrived in piracy and did so in reaction to the treatment they received as sailors in Royal Navy operations. I could continue but it is far too involved for you to handle with all of the other corrections I am making to your idiotic historical assertions.

The Jews were purged by the Catholic Church and the royalty of Europe in reaction to the horrors of the Black Death of the Middle Ages. You are WRONG. The Spanish Inquisition was the first Inquisition and led to its spread throughout Europe thus, the Jews migrated to other areas. In fact, there were many Inquisitions conducted by the Catholic church in Italy, France, Spain, Germany etc.(Martin Luther is known as the father of the Reformation and his Thesis 99 which was nailed to the vatican doors began the birth of Lutherism and many Protestant religions and sects grew from his influences and, it was his reaction to Catholic Church practices that initiated the swell of new non-catholic religions through Europe. This resulted in the slow down and stoppage of Inquisitions. The purpose was to rid Jews not Moors as they had been culled earlier. That is why Russia, the Balkans, the Ukraine had such large Jewish populations that Hitler extended the Final Solution to every country his forces conqueured. In fact you commented in an earlier posting about your heritage and I wonder if you are also carrying some of that Jewish blood as the Ukraine had a large Jewish population).

You can dispute historical fact, you can argue with neo-con innacuries and 'cut and paste' quotations that you choose to suit your imaginary facts but it is of no consequence. You are WRONG!

Keep trying though eventually you are bound to get something right. If you would just educate yourself you would save yourself from my teachings and tutorship. There have been many authentic historical writings that point out certain similarities between Catholic Church practices toward the Jews and Hitler's practices. Was the Catholic Church the 1st Reich? We can discuss this as well.

Please continue with your falacies as it gives me vast opportunity to 'corect' your numerous inaccuracies. I do so much enjoy laughing at your versions of truth.

8:56 AM, July 08, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Saggy One I think Hawwkstar is right again. Good going Hawwk. Keep up the discussions they are interesting and I like the way Hawwk corrects you. Crayfish

6:41 PM, July 08, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blind is led by the blind.And Rupert Murdoch is a registered Democrat...listen to FOX NEWS and you'll learn something. Getting back to the blind...I cannot believe how uninformed this little forum is. My focus here is on the barbaric, backwards and perversely uncivilized culture of radical islam...I won't even capitalize on the i in islam. And the few FOOLS that make every feeble attempt to counter these FACTS are of little significance anyways. Your denial of what is going outside your apartment door is head shaking hillarious. Now hawkster why don't you shoot your big mouth off and inform everybody that the barbary PIRATES were nothing other than some restless lifegaurds looking to upset a canoe full of silk. And why did the moores not stay in N.Africa where they originated? And why did they cross at Gibralter rather than their original intended path of destruction of N. Greece? Do you know what or who Gibralter is named after? I gave you some very simple questions to answer (to yourself when in your usual semi-conscious state) that proves the uncivilized barbarity of radical islam and you blow off on a left wing tangient trying to digress from the topic. With FOOLS like you out there it only adds to the FACT that eternal vigillance is vital on our part. The only reason why you're not eating "hal-al" beetle juice yet is because there are those of us who won't cave into a culture that refuses to change out of it's pajama's.  As far as the Catholic church goes it was basically the only ruling faction with a mandate in the second Millennium so of course they are to blame for everything, and I am no fan of the Catholic or ANY religion...including islam so, unlike yourself, I'll be damned if I cater to their demands. So again Islam and the Arabs have nothing that I am interested in similar is my philosophy towards the lunatic left. YOU have nothing of any significance that is going to improve life on this planet. Why don't you take your gay-pride parade over to Iran or India. India is protesting queers in a major way right now and they're blaming people like YOU for the infestation of the homosexual disease. This is the culture that YOU and your flimsy friends want to live hand in hand with...the same hand they'll rip from your wrist when you hold up your sign "GAY TODAY". Go back to your left wing news source and stay stupid, and that goes for wherever you got (un)educated from. I'll bet you think Gwynne Dyer tells the truth also? Right is Right. Thank you Stephan Harper and God Bless  George W Bush. And never forget Renaldus Magnus.The Great Sage. 

10:49 PM, July 08, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One more thing...re. "do you lie"NEVER. A mindless speciman refuses the truth by labeling it a lie.Tell me again gawkster that "ARYAN" DOES NOT MEAN "IRANIAN". Call me a liar again. You may have your little midgets convinced that you know something about a few things but you are totally ignorant to the concept of this site. I make all this stuff up and the "cut and paste" proof is a fabricated lie also. You are proof that the liberal left must not come into power ever again.T G S    

11:04 PM, July 08, 2011  
Blogger Hawwkstar said...

You arrogant little creep! Any hope that existed to participate in a vibrant discussion was just thwarted by your last comment. YOU ARE WRONG in almost everything you rave about. A 'sane, civil discussion' is out of the question. If you were not such a drama queen I would throw down the gauntlet.

Your insinuations are unnecessary, shove the threats and go get your grade 3 certificate maybe then you will be able to talk about issues other than yourself, your company, your friends, homos and Islam.

Again, I repeat, I have never addressed or commented on your obsession with Aryan-Iranian.

As for "uninformed, barbaric, backwards, preversely uncivilized and insignificant" - It is remarkable you describe yourself with such honesty.

8:37 PM, July 09, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sage someone told me you eat shit sandwiches but I stood up for you and told them you don't like bread.

12:12 AM, July 11, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spot the Rat Parade you mean. Are you the Grand Marshall again this year? The King Rat, so to speak. Maybe you can flitter down Queen St. in your puffy pom poms, toga and ballet slippers while throwing people into croc infested sidewalks and ordering those not in tights to the local school yard to be frisked OOoohhhhh by the fairies in blue. You know, your buddies, the guys you 'wanna be' just like.

No one makes any claims about Islam being anything but, you keep giving people credit for things they never say. No one except you talks about Aryan-Iranian. Are you so unsure of your manhood and that is why you are so obsessed with everyone else's manhood? People reading your blog must think you are either mentally ill,suffering from a narsacistic God complex or, you are a frightened little old man, quivering in the corner wetting yourself whenever the words Islam, Muslim, Freedom, Homosexual, Liberal or Rat are used. Bawating Bob

12:34 AM, July 11, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you mishmash the , what i assume is an attempt to say you don't lie . You Lie .
And then hose it down by blaming HAWWKSTAR. Bogus .You are such in fear of your own words you rarely sign , in leaving you anonymous no one can even say it's you . YOU HAVE REVEALED SECRET INFORMATIO OF OUR ORDER. You are a rat , a self aggrandizing , loose cannon . Your type shouldn't be aloud to carry on.
YOU are a poor specimen , of all your life . And you will bend and flip colors to the power side in a flash. YOU WOLD BE A QUEER LOVING LEFT. Give up, your blogs a phony mess. GRAND POO BA .

12:01 AM, July 20, 2011  

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