Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The art of self destruction

And nobody is more artistic than the elitist liberals of the West. With the unfolding of apocalyptic events in the (Muslim)Middle East the only fitting term would be hopeless. Remedial efforts to sort out this 3,000+- year old mess have frustratingly proven futile and if anybody thinks they can solve this equation by "giving peace a chance" at the negotiating table, such is the approach of a liberal, then they are not interested in peace at all. Peace for radical Islam is a pejorative concept that generates absolute zero interest...not even peace within it's own twisted society/culture which explains why the dozen or so conflicts around the world today are not just Muslim against Western culture/values but mostly Muslim on Muslim. Just as a point of interest there have been 17,446 terrorist attacks world wide since 9/11, most of which are Muslim on Muslim...which wouldn't be all that bad if it were isolated to radical Muslims only...but it doesn't go that way and the Islamic extremists, the super majority ARAB, just get bolder every day. Death and suffering prevail wherever Islam dominates. There seems to be no undying will to isolate and eliminate this terrorizing scourge of humanity. Their stone-age existence is controlled by the influence of deranged imams who are mandated by a convoluted interpretation of the Quran to "kill all infidels". In actuality how can one not help but feel pity more so than hatred for the innocence corrupted by these religious zealots.
The suicidal apathy of Western liberal elites was wide open last week with their pervasive tendency toward fantasy-based policy making...not only the U.S. but also the E.U.. Both have announced that they were opening formal talks with the Muslim brotherhood (m/b). The m/b is nothing more than a rogue band of thugs dedicated, in it's own words, to destroying and eliminating Western civilization from WITHIN. They are intent on "sabotaging the house of infidels from within"...immigration surely can't be anything to worry about. Enter Hillary Clinton..."given the changing political landscape in Egypt it is in the better interest of the U.S. and the E.U. to engage with all parties that are peaceful and committed to non-violence"; the same peaceful non-violent organization intent on the destruction of Israel and the entire Western culture. Then, in typical liberal left elitist fashion, the spokesperson for the E.U.'s Catherine Ashton, Michael Mann chimes in with his supportive lunacy "we are always open to dialogue with those interested in democracy and peace." The m/b has one principle mandate...establishing an Islamic state in Egypt. They have no interest in democratic fundamentals and would impulsively kill dissenters and miscreants(Christians, Jews, apostates, Westerners)harbouring different values. The Muslim Brotherhood's "spiritual leader" Sheik Yusaf al Qaradawi, after 50years of exile, returned to Cairo where the greetings of a rapturous mob the size of most small Western towns is proof where the Middle East, beginning with Egypt, is headed. And out of their deep seeded malignant hatred of America, Capitalism, Profits and Conservatism, people were very quick to condemn U.S. Foreign Policy and Conservatives in general.(Bush's Fault) People had the uninformed gal to claim that the "Men of Egypt" were separating themselves from the grip of the CIA and were looking only for a totally autonomous state. They had all the autonomy they wanted; their issue was they couldn't keep their suicide bombers to themselves. And now another freak show that has to be air dropped into the sea.
Sheik Qaradawi broadcasts a sermon on Al Jazeera, The Terrorist Channel akin to CNN,NBC,...stressing upon the naivete's of the tribes that they "must pray to Allah for the destruction of the Jews. Oh Allah, take this oppressive Jewish Zionist band of people and do not spare a single one of them. Oh Allah, count their numbers and kill them down to the very last one. Throughout history Allah has imposed upon the Jews punishment for their corruption, the last punishment was carried out by ADOLF HITLER". These are the words of a Muslim leader molded by the "Religion of Peace".
And those words were taken to heart by the former leader of the M/B, Kumal Al-Helbawy. So to heart that he proclaimed that "Our thinking and our affiliation are to the exalted Allah. Our affiliation is to Islam and the GLOBAL state of Islam, is our IDEAL.

Ahhh I can't fool the "commenteurs" of this site,they're too intelligent for that, all of this is a fabricated myth. Terrorism is a Right Wing Conservative scare tactic that has generated a lot of hatred, collateral damage and senseless destruction. Never mind the stuff you see/hear courtesy of certain media outlets. And never mind those history books or history class (from the 60's/70's) WWI,WWII and the Korean War was actually a botched Western Conspiracy turned fruitless debacle. But all of this makes for a good night time story. Don't worry little liberals the world is actually at peace where it has never been at this much at peace before. What the hell is a suicide bomber anyways?must be something W made up.
Now if the audience would be so kind as to lend their patience for the next little while with the reason being that the Great Sage must join his "Brethren" at an undisclosed geographical co-ordinate somewhere in the vicinity of the "Bohemian Grove"...entries will be slightly irregular for the remainder of the summer. Plus the Black Hills Rally in South Dakota where I have a 5,000acre ranch at my disposal for as long as I need it. Ranch is equipped with shooting range right off the back porch. Targets are replaced mechanically by way of compu-command eliminating the need to walk 250yards after every shot or three just to check the accuracy of one's shooting.
FYI re. the "men only" statement with the riots in Egypt anybody will be hard pressed to find a women in that or any crowd...due to the fact that women are not allowed to express their feelings in Islamic SHARIA society. The same SHARIA society Muslims are pushing for here in Canada, Great Britain, France, Denmark and the U.S.A.. The other countries around the world are already taken over by the Taliban, Al Qaida and radical Islam. One need only to research the org. C.A.I.R.

The Great Sage


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right Sage. I just love the way you tell the truth. We would get along GREAT because we share the same opinions on many topics. I would love to discuss politics, radical Islam and the coming Rapture with you. I am also a Mason. Kyystal Nite

7:49 AM, July 15, 2011  
Blogger Hawwkstar said...

What apocalyptic events could possibily result from the birth of democracy in a part of the world that has kept the people mired in the Dark Ages by religious dogma long outdated, despots, dictators and tryannts. Who have all raped their countries to the benefit of themselves and their families. Some who claime Kingship were appointed by the British and French Colonial offices in order to maintain colonial rule such as the Saudian Arabian rulers to name one appointed royal family. Since the discovery of oil in 1933 the Muslim/Arab rulers have kept rigid religious, political, and other control over their people. Now, this is changing and quickly.

With democracy comes capitalism so do not despair. With democracy comes conservative and left politics. Since the Arab/Muslim world is predominantely young the left will blossom and the right will continue to wither. There is hope.

1:20 AM, July 16, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is people who share your distorted ideology, that create the conditions for governments, religions, big business (with the full cooperation of the media) to influence the people to accept all of the erroneous information that they share as the truth. Those who do not question or challenge relinquish all rights provided by democracy.

In other words you are guilty of complacency. When you believe and defend the lies, the inaccuracies presented by religious dogma, political convenience and corrupt propaganda you do so at the expense of humanity. Mullosk 1

3:35 AM, July 17, 2011  

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