Saturday, August 13, 2011

Return to duty.

My fellow Canadian's...and much loved American's, it is with a positive and envigorating sense of committment to my cause that motivates me, The Great Sage, to return to my literary duties. The past two-three weeks have been a collage of "nut-busting labour" and "mind bending" mingling with the good people of the Sturgis-Black Hills rally. A stretch of revitalizing time with good, hard core Conservatives has come to an it's time to write again.
Just to put things into perspective here I would like to make some things perfectly clear...The Great Sage does NOT HATE Muslims. What the Sage does express though is an ideal that is Pro West and ANTI-EXTREMIST. I want the Muslim community to condemn the warped terrorist ideology and 9/11 atrocities committed by usama-bin laden, his followers, pla, hamas,hizbolla, taliban and al qaida...(note the small print). I want the followers of islam to show their alliance in philosophy with Christianity and to recognize Israel's right to exist. Incidentally the West Bank was formerly known as "Judea" not palistine, Canan, Philistine or Egypt and etc. This land belongs to Israel. And all land that was relinquished by battling arabs attempting to annihilate Israel in 1968 is lost forever...sorry about your luck pajams but if you start a war and lose.
I know everybody is standing in line to welcome my return and I am very aware of the importance of the disemination of unparralled knowledge as displayed on this site so...entries will resume next week.

The Great Sage


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