Thursday, October 13, 2011

Protestors are Socialist duds.

So some hardcore socialist "Chi-Comms" in Sault Ste. Marie Canada are looking to emulate the non-productive pan handlers that are protesting Wall Street, entrepreneurial risk takers and pretty much anybody with a bank account. This is the perfect portrait of Western Society's future. A segment of today's society is programmed and dependant upon the fruits of somebody Else's labour. This burden to Western Humanity has been totally programmed by a system infected with "progressive" ethics. Young minds of mush indoctrinated into a reliant state of existence are repetitively preached too that the "collective" is worth more than the "individual". Together "we" can do what only an "individual" dreams of. It takes a village. Focus on the "we" rather than the selfish "I". This "collective" soon becomes the foundation for socio-communism. Fair is interpreted as "half of what you own (work for) will be shared with those who WON'T work." In a socialist system everything is shared...that way the misery is equally divided. Today's "Entitlement" crowd just wants welfare, a handout mandated by a socialist/communist dictatorship. The "Entitlement" crowd wants FREE MONEY...from those of us who work and the libs and ndp are well aware of this, thus the foundation of a political platform..."Vote for a poverty free Ontario"..."stop corporate greed"..."down with industry"..."end the Private Sector"..."we want to restore dignity in the work place" nauseam. Today's youth hasn't got a chance. Tomorrows future has been programmed to be useless eaters all in the name of control.

This what Socialists do not understand and quite honestly this is why Socialism does not, can not work. What is happening today with both the U.S. and Canadian economies is the result of a mass exodus of the Private Sector. Companies have packed up and left because they can set up shop in a country like China or India and produce their product for 500% less than they could here because the Western worker was programmed that he/she needs "Collective Bargaining", a Union, if they wanted job security and high pay. The sons and daughter's of these workers are now protesting "corporate greed"...along side of their parent(s).'s the onion, these protesters are for the most part unable to be self sufficient, I don't want to use the term "useless", which is (ostensibly) why they need a "collective". After the big let down from their union they find themselves still unemployed after a year and will not make it without social assistance which is funded by anybody with a bank account.

This over regulated, high taxed inconsistent economic environment has driven out the Private Sector and created a Welfare State.

Now What?

There is a remedy...give the economy to the Private Sector. All government agencies are in neutral mode and their powers totally diminished, ALL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES... use the military to keep high school drop-outs busy and off the street. The time for less government is not now but RIGHT NOW.

To the're an embarrassment. The corrosive effects of socio-communism is obvious.

The Great Sage


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