Friday, October 14, 2011

TheStar DiManno: They’re not gods but the Greeks didn’t deserve this

TheStar DiManno: They’re not gods but the Greeks didn’t deserve this
Just wait until "look out for me" takes on an entire new meaning. Betraying someone in order to advance one's rank in society is typically inherent of people...but...wait until the masses regress back to the "Hunter Gatherer" instinct. This is the exposing of Socialism for what it really is. A system based on the principle of "the collective and the common good" and the failings of the "individual", where everybody is equal...even in misery. Humanity is not "entering into" a new phase but rather "back to" a phase where instinct governs our habits. Progressive Socialism belongs to the NAZI's...and look where they are.
You haven't seen greed until you've seen two people fight over a slice of bread. Greece is just a scaled down version of a larger country...Canada is larger than Greece and so is the United States of America. When masses of punk looters run rampant through the streets do you think they're concerned about whether or not they should steal for their buddies too???

The Great Sage


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