Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Pearl Harbor veterans remember how paradise suddenly turned into hell - Washington Times

Pearl Harbor veterans remember how paradise suddenly turned into hell - Washington Times I do not understand how this entry fell behind the first entry. is another anniversary of "the date that will live in infamy". To my good friend in Lewisberg Kentucky, James, who is now 91years of age, and watched in disbelief as the Arizona went down. He took a piece of frag to the eye and was honourably discharged...against his will as he wanted to stay with his buddies many who never made it home after being shipped to Iwo Jima, Mt. Surabachi (hot rocks) was volcanic hell. Men stayed pinned down under fire from ruthless japs for days on end. Many couldn't even get up to relieve themselves...everything ran down their leg. Japanese General Yamamoto said "there is no pride in attacking a sleeping enemy"...he knew the "giant would awake", and it did...70years today. To the greatest generation that ever lived...I salute you with humble gratitude.



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