Monday, January 02, 2012

People who made a statement in 2011

2011 was an interesting year of events yet it was a year comprised of uninteresting people. Let's begin with the leader of Iran, Mahmood Achmadimijad. This oven roasted pistachio nut actually thought he was going to convince the world that the Holocaust of WWII never happened. Now mind you that would work here if Canada was under socialist/communist rule i.e. n.d.p. or liberal. Second this overloaded fruitcake thinks he can intimidate America i.e. "overthrowing America would be as easy as drinking a glass of water"'m speechless.
Then there's that dip-shit in the White House...Barry HUSSEIN Obama. I'm not going to start ripping into everything he's said because it would take me 3years to do it. Everything he's said in the last 3years has been a fucking joke...with nobody moving onto people who are every bit as dumb and backwards as Obama we have "The Protester".
Just like Obama, these useless individuals are incapable of self sustenance and figure that earning an income requires only that a form be completed prior to confiscating it from those who bust their ass earning it. And just like little barry anybody who has a bank account would also be subject to meaningless ridicule and protest. What more is there really to say about society's trash? We're well aware of the fact that these fruitless minions are parasites yet we permit them to share the same living space with us. And last but definitely not least we have Time Magazine. This doped out liberal rag named the "protester" as person of the year...that's right, the same stupid fuckhead protester we just got done bragging about in the previous sentence.
It only proves to the people that retards are not only protesting out in the streets they're also elected into government office and from there end up on the "important people of the year list" .

The Great Sage


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave -- its time for your meds -- take two of the little red ones today - & don't forget to nap this afternoon

7:14 AM, January 03, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the system preys on your status there's no time to nap, regardless of what your doctor has told you. And I'll bet your doc gives you plenty of "red" ones.My sanity comes from a few hours every couple days at the shooting range. There's nothing like four or five hundred rounds of 165grain hollow point hot loads screaming through my semiauto 40cal Browning The half dozen loaded clips really create a healthy period of introspection. Just for the record brass is usually gold in colour...not red.I am ETC...

8:19 PM, January 04, 2012  

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