Friday, March 16, 2012

Why Does UN Human Rights Council Turn A Blind Eye to Terrorism? - UN Watch

Why Does UN Human Rights Council Turn A Blind Eye to Terrorism? - UN Watch This petty organization is the root of world corruption. Canada, U.S. and Great Britain should pull out NOW!!! These despots, all puppets of Iran, prove their prejudice towards the West everytime they gather. Any viper pit that would accommodate the likes of Hugo Chavez and Mahmood Achmadimijad needs only to be patronized by a Bunker Buster. And then build a trade center.
All terrorists are MUSLIM and there's no denying it...why does the West permit islam to proliferate? The answer is obvious...the lunatic, apathetic and sympathetic left fights harder for islam's rights than it does protecting it's own. By not implementing a policy of racial profiling we're opening the door for internal terrorism, it's just a matter of time. Muslims never had it so good as they do here. They originate from environments that strap bombs onto 6year old kids. They use women and children as human shields. They cowardly walk into a crowd detonating themselves to blow up innocent people, women, children, young and old...all in the name of martyrdom and 72 virgins, how perverted. And the West permits this stuff to tresspass onto halowed ground!!!
Death walks among us and we allow it. Islam is evil...72virgins as a reward for killing proves it.

The Great Sage


Anonymous Anonymous said...

just read about 6 of your posts in your blog - seek help - you are paranoid - I know you've convinced yourself that you're some kind of deep thinker but thats just part of your illness - you could probably be healed very quickly if you just got some help - mental illness is a desease & should be treated - remember - I'm on your side -- we're all in this together

5:26 AM, March 25, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been saying this for 35 years!Bawating BOB

3:45 PM, April 03, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damm straight he sure hit the ole nail on the head on that one eh Dave.Earl the Eagle

3:49 PM, April 03, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the forty + years I've known you Dave I have never heard your 'mindthink' summed up better. Has your doctor recommended any meds.? Rick Santorum can't hold a candle to you buster. You were just as big a dick in public school too. Petrie Dish

8:39 PM, April 04, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:47 PM, April 04, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you guys do in between welfare cheques??? Hey Bedwetter from Bawating I think you're just about due for your annual gig at the international clown festival...I wouldn't count on anybody providing washroom assisstance though, you'll have to wipe your ass yourself, do yourself a big favour and use toilet paper this time that way you won;t get shit on your nose every time you stick your finger into it. To the "anonymous" cowards hiding behind their insignificance maybe you can learn how to compose a thought of reality and relay it in a manner that actually makes sense. And what the fuck???Earl the Seagull..I remember were the only 15year old in grade 3. Then finally they had to ship you to some other was the Humane Society come to think of it. But weren't they supposed to euthanize you and for some reason the injections weren't having an affect, I think it was something to do with your gene pool; apparently somebody tried to clean YOUR gene pool with some chlorine which in turn had a latent affect on the euthanization syrum. Yes I remember when the entire school took up a donation for your family as to help it cope with your brain damage...fuck 50 cents doesn't go very far does it Swirl er Earl...whatever. Hey don't everybody jump when at the clown convention one of the jokers says "now for my next trick I'll need a condom and a volunteer".
You liberals are a joke.
The Great Sage

7:45 PM, April 09, 2012  

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