Monday, April 16, 2012

Unions have gone too far.

Rio Tinto workers challenge company in London This is the primary reason as to why unions have finally out lived their purpose. These sanctioned extortionists think they have rights to the companies management. Unions, like politicians and public sector workers, have no clue whatsoever in what it takes to manage and grow a company. Heed our advice and avoid matters that don't concern you. You have no business being in our business and just because the executive board whines out "boycott" don't think that the Private Sector will buckle. Left wing activist pressure is a template and it's behaviour is easily predicted...we already know that any response by the left is purely emotional and devoid of reason, logic and wit. So maybe in this case Rio-Tinto should have refused to "DONATE" the medals to the Olympics?
It's time the unions accept their fate and back off and respect the "Right to Work".

The Great Sage


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