Saturday, June 09, 2012

The Religion of Peace mutilates females

A Gift from the Religion of Atrocity | FrontPage Magazine This is absolutely hideous. Only a twisted ideology would permit and encourage this barbarity. Why is this not mentioned by the "mainstream"media? This uncivilized  behaviour is the curse of our time and must be condemned by world leaders and equally important is to ensure that sharia law never gets a hold in Canada or U.S. Sharia is a curse that plagues the human frontier, it is truly "the" means to destroy the West.
Now the world will be slapped in the face by history...George W. Bush was absolutely correct when he warned the West of the evils of radical islamic states notably Iraq and Iran. One down and one to go but the fool in the White House has no balls or is it that he has no "use" for his own country???given his "MUSLIM" upbringing.

I am ETC.


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