Thursday, September 20, 2012

Obama...a failed presidency

With the recent 9/11 attacks on the U.S. embassy in Lybia it is evident that Obama and his administration are more than fact they are the example of a failed office of the U.S. presidency.
Obama, the manchild messiah, convinced the simple minded that not only would he part the waters and cool the climate but he was also going to make peace with islamic pigs intent on killing Westerners. He's a joke and only the wise are aware and in tune to his inadequacy.
Mitt Romney was absolutely correct when he stated that 47% of the population are dependant on government and that he won't get their vote. It's not that he implied that he doesn't care for those same people rather he doesn't care about the fact that they will not vote for a successful business man.
I will keep this short as I must return to my duties as an employer however, I do wish to state that the media coverage by the left is farcical at best and a joke at least...and this goes for the people that follow the left wing lunatic media....NBC/LSD, CNN, BBC, CBC, CBS, ABC...PATHETIC.

The Great Sage


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