Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hillary Clinton's tenure was a failure

Sean Higgins: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's tenure was a failure | This woman is dangerous by virtue of her "cling-on" ignorant and gullible as they may be their vote, regrettably, still counts. I just can't believe what I heard coming from the "ass-kissing" Investigating Committee on the Ben-Gazi 9/11 terrorist attack on the U.S. Embassy. As one might recall, no thanks to the stund left wing  media, Ambassador Stevens and 3 top class Navy Seals fought valiantly for 6hrs against muslim terrorists. Their repeated desperate call for help went ignored by the feckless obama administration, inevitably leading to their torture and demise. And then the dopey "Arkansas Broadbeam" (Hillary Clinton) along with U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice reiterate what the charlatan obama has been mumbling since the attack, it was an anti mislim video that sparked the attack...and the media slurps it up like a dog returning to it's vomit. And then there's the flunkies, the sheep that swear by the twisted virtues espoused by the most inadequate administration since Carter. Obama was the great black hope that was going to part the waters and bring world peace and put an end to poverty, a world where everybody lives "happily ever after"...just like the fairy tales that guide and inspire obama.
This joker said he was going to end the war with the terrorists by getting along with them...but that's not how the muslim extremists feel. They have no intentions of getting along with the West. "What difference does it make" eh Hillary?
Our problem here in Canada is that our weak minded left wing lunatics are influenced by America's left wing duds and our duds are dumber than theirs. We have disgustingly stupid people here that fall for anything that comes from out of the mouths of left wing politicians and the media.

P.S. we need more anti muslim videos.

The Great Sage


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