Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sun News : Threats on Idle No More organizer being treated as hate crime

Sun News : Threats on Idle No More organizer being treated as hate crime What do the tribal factions expect here? They've gone beyond sensible and practical to the point where it's now surrealism. We, as a country, is currently mired in the same economic slump as the rest of the world but even worse is our failing system. Canada has finally succumbed to the regressive fundamentals of "liberal" multiculutralism. Everybody demands equality but many are inadequately unequal hence an overloaded social system bordering collapse.
Much of Canada's progres is increasingly impeded because of feckless details contained in out-dated and "irrelevant treaties".  Indian tribes continuously extort funds from the White Man while at the same time obstructing the White Man's ability to generate revenue and grow the economy....ergo jobs for everyone including indians (if they want to work).
There's no room in the world today for self indulgence and unrealistic expectations...that is unless one is willing to work for it.
Canada is a country of laws and civility and similar to our southern neighbor "a land of opportunity". Opportunity exists for all who are willing to work for it and race or colour means nothing, but yet there are still those who wish to advance their "station in life" by exploiting handouts, entitlements  and exemptions  provided by a rediculously politically correct liberal system.
It is not my fault that tribal leaders fell in love with themselves after galking into a cheap trinket mirror while under the influence of alchol causing them to crawl under a rock for a 150years.
We are in a different time and the world is truly a "Global Community". Indians should come to grips with reality here and realize that sooner or later the White Man was going to be here. They should come to terms with reality and recognize the fact that their ilegal disruptions have a major negative effect on the economy of N. On. and the country as a whole.
The next thing you know we'll be faced with the "request for funding" for queer homosexuals seeking marriage in a teepee totally immersed in smoke from ceremonial sweet grass organically grown by a shaman in Nevada....who can't be found because prostitution is legal there and the shaman does not suffer from a lack of "followers" funds. (you figure it out from there).

On the lighter side of reality the Great Sage wishes to take this opportunity to commend all of those righteous White People for their part in the advancement of civilized humanity. There has been many a day when the road seemed long and impassable, especially during the idle no more days, and it seemed as though our shoulders would bend to the ground under the weight of our responsibilities. The wrestless long winter nights were no friend of the working man and it seemed as though the mornings were worse. Struggling through snow and cold just to earn a megre living. Even though worthless elements of society drained much of our "disposable income" our tenacity endured. Ours is a world where every man is equal and entitled to pay his freight in life and earn his pay according to his productive contribution to society. Our kids are strong and able to combat the adversities of Nature as well as the vile intentions of our fellow man...the man who claims to be our brother. We are the last of the True Canadian(s). Mom and Dad and women and children first....almost a thing of the past. I want a church in my back yard not a mosque. I want to Adam and Eve to marry and procreate....I don't want Adam and Steve holding hands in public and only pervetedly attempt to procreate using the wrong anatomical area.
Stay strong bretheren as the battle with the left is ongoing but they are on the run and it will only be a matter of time. 

The Great Sage



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