Tuesday, December 07, 2010

69 Years ago today

Today Dec 7th.1941...."a date which will live in infamy". 69 years ago today Japan picked the wrong country to go to war with. As did the Axis Powers with Canada and Great Britain.
What most of the Liberal Left refuses to understand is that after the raid on Pearl Harbour the Japs landed on the Alaskan atoll of Kiska and Attu. WWII as now landed on the North American continent. What the world didn't expect and wouldn't discover until post war was the ruthlessness of the Japanese military. They would've beheaded their way right through Canada and into the U.S. if our brave ancestor's didn't fight them off. It's a dam good thing we didn't have a bunch of pathetic Liberals crying that we should invite the enemy to sit around a camp fire holding hands and singing "Kum By Ya".
If it wasn't for the United States of America this world would've been a very different place. One could only imagine the strength, more mentally than physically, required to recover from a mind blowing attack such as the attack on the tiny minute island of Oahu in the mid Pacific...and to keep up the relentless fight for another brutal 5 years just to ensure freedom for us.
Thank you and a million salutes to those who never made it, who are gone and are still with us.
So mote it be.



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