Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Capitalism not Socialism

Obama has chosen to stand with the agitators on Wall St. as well as elsewhere around the world.
Rather than take the heat for HIS failed policies, not that of the former administration, he has chosen to deflect the blame onto the Private Sector, which, is what provides jobs in the first place. So what if some "fat cat" makes an obscene amount of money the Private Sector can pay whatever to whomever. Now if it's an Obama cronie in the Public Sector that is leaching off the tax payer then the salary collected for that individual should be 25% less than the starting wage of similar qualifications in the Private Sector....an no fucking Public Sector Unions. Hey Obama I've never in all my years of busting my ass got a job from a poor person. Start looking after the people who pay the freight in your country and maybe they'll begin to look after you. Take note as to what the Conservatives have done here in Canada...they've lowered the corporate tax by 7%...still not enough but it's a start.
The only "Hope" the world has is for real "Change"...a change from liberal to Conservative next election; Mit Romney or Herman "Hurricane" Cain...I think, as a pragmatic Canadian I would like to see Herman Cain as the next President of the United States of America with Michelle Bachman as Vice President...for either one. But one way or another America needs somebody who understands the need for Capitalism.

The Great Sage


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