Wednesday, December 07, 2011

UN Urged To Control the Weather? STUPID PEOPLE WALK AMONG US

UN Urged To Control the Weather! Leaders call on UN to 'find solutions' to extreme weather or 'life as we know it will come to an end' Climate Depot I just cannot believe that we have idiots like this attempting to exercise power over us. Global warming, climate-gate or change, climate catastrophe, it's all a F _ _ k_ _ g joke for the fools of our time. It's now a religion that only a clueless sheep would adhere to . Yet one volcanic eruption puts more chemical particulate into the air than man could ever think of in 150years. Hey asshole..complain about my wood stove to the U.N. but, the active volcano's world wide are no threat at all. Haven't people caught on as of yet? The planet has been here for 4.5billion years and heavy pollution has been a part of it. Let's all do our part to keep the earth clean of our debris but let's also be reasonable and practical...electric cars and goofy hybrids are bull shit. Solar farms and wind energy will drive us broke...does anybody have clue what it cost to repair a wind turbine? I do, I'm in the business, yes I profit from this from of energy but I can do without it. Our energy costs are expected to rise 46% in the next 10years and it's all because of the "global whining" idiots and the bigger idiots that follow them. People won't even be able to keep their homes when they retire because of our social mess. High taxes to support big government and outrageous energy costs WILL cripple us.
And people can't see that much of this bullshit could have been avoided only if we distanced ourselves from the United Nations...but a stupid liberal can't see this.
Endless genuflection to the U.N....not this cat. FYI...UNICEF (united nations international children's fund) is administrated by iranian mullahs...the same mullahs that use women and children for target practice during political demonstrations. Or, even human shields. Can't anybody see the devil in the U.N.?
The Great Sage


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