Saturday, January 28, 2012

Over 3000 Muslims Attack

Over 3000 Muslims Attack Christian Homes and Shops in Egypt, 3 InjuredTo all of the bleeding heart pacifists that couldn't soak up quick enough the birth of the "muslim brotherhood" throughout Egypt, you were informed, contrary to your pre conceived notion, that the coup that overthrew Hosni Mubarrak was a slap in the face to the U.S., this is precisely what happens when the U.S., backed by a coalition of British and Canadian military, doesn't interfere. The reason for not interfering will be on Obama's conscience...if he has one. The muslim brotherhood is devout islam...extreme and radical islam.
I am convinced that Islam is one of the "Seven Seals". And Canada had better wake up to it...better yet this country must first rid itself of it's fear to offend this historically implacable sect. Violent traits are inherent in this predominantly uncivilized culture. The public doesn't hear a quarter of what happens in our country like the axe attacks, knife slashing and boiling water attacks against women most of whom are the daughters of these monsters...held captive in a nightmare existence. This is the "religion of peace" that condones the stoning of women today. And we want them here!!!!!????

The Great Sage


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