If stupidity could be flushed into a sceptic tank this planet would have less idiots...pretty much the entire left wing gaggle of wingless geese, but not all at once due to blockage of the system.
If that idiot in the White House gets reelected the United States of America is finished. I am almost certain now that obama is out to destroy his own country. al qaida is ramping up and the taliban has yet to be defeated and what does this idiot do??? military cuts and no economy. And 47% of the population dependant on government for an income.
Anybody who supports a brain dead liberal is themselves brain dead.
The Great Sage
If that idiot in the White House gets reelected the United States of America is finished. I am almost certain now that obama is out to destroy his own country. al qaida is ramping up and the taliban has yet to be defeated and what does this idiot do??? military cuts and no economy. And 47% of the population dependant on government for an income.
Anybody who supports a brain dead liberal is themselves brain dead.
The Great Sage
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