Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Eye in the sky

G.M. was, before bankruptcy, (did it really go bankrupt?) "General Motors".
Now G.M. stands for "Government Motors".
Like a good liberal Obama saw an opening to clandestinely spy on the people and he seized upon it. In the guise of a benevolent bail-out his wish of rapid and intrusive access to the masses had been granted by his Pagan God "Gaea"...now the Messiah is truly the "all knowing", "all seeing" and worthy of a staunch respect loaned only to leaders of inherent mystic quality. His ability to transcend humanity beyond a conventional belief that is supported on a Godly foundation is almost immortal in itself...could it be that little Barry is truly the man child savior sent unto this world to relieve us of our burden?
Obama is truly a Star...an "ON-Star". Now that "Little Barry" has control of G.M. he also has control over anybody that drives a G.M.. For Christ's sake "On-Star", the eye in the sky can kill your vehicle as you're driving down the road...tell me that isn't CONTROL.

The Great Sage


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