Wednesday, December 15, 2010

This is the Liberal way.

Remember...Capitalism is based on the principles of confidence, self motivation and hard work.Sleepless nights due to worries of failure and uncertain economic fluctuations are've taken all the risk but those who didn't contribute, including big government (Liberal government) want all the reward; and you'll accept it because it's for the "common good".Ostensibly,in a socialist system we feel tingly and good about giving away, excuse me, having most of hard earned wealth CONFISCATED all for the "common good". In a ***"just society" the government must help those that will not help themselves and through extreme inculcating the workers (proletariat) will justify to themselves that the government (thief)is just in it's redistribution of their wealth to those who refuse to look after themselves. Oh they say you have free health care so that's supposed to make you feel good about relinquishing 82% of your income.(exponential taxes). In a socialist system everyone fails equally. There is no winners only losers. Everybody loses equally. In Canada they call it "fairness". If somebody excels beyond expected capacity they will hurt some one Else's feelings and that wouldn't be fair...or ethical. If Joe busted his ass to by a brand new 3/4ton Ford 4x4 and Mustafa, who is new to the country and still hasn't had an immigration hearing yet, can't afford one because he's from a 3rd world country where a motorized vehicle was something you mounted a 50caliber machine gun onto and went to "Jihad", he could feel "disenfranchised" or excluded from society (yet in Multicultural Canada immigrants are encouraged to preserve their culture, as slovenly convoluted as it may be)which could lead to an UN-Canadian state of inequity. Of course it would be "UN-Canadian because we as Canadians are just so accustomed to "Marxism" that we consider it normal for our wealth to be confiscated and redistributed...incidentally Karl Marx was the one who coined the term (philosophy) "to each according to his need from each according to his ability" translation...give to those who don't have because it's unfair to work hard to win your standard of living when there are those who won't (work hard). There is a difference between "won't" and "can't". You see, the mechanic's of business, as an owner or worker, are such that the harder you work the further you advance, business is in every way competition. Competition is a barbaric and insensitive ritual that reeks with "social Darwinism". We cannot allow the fittest to survive on our pages. Your loss is someone Else's gain and your gain is someone Else's loss. Therefore, losers contribute to the society where winners take away from society. Being a winner is unethical and unfair while a society of losers is happy and striving as a collective. In the spirit of diversity, fairness,collectivism and inclusiveness business competition will have no winners, everyone is declared a loser, which, in the Liberal manifesto, means an ethical and fair team player. How many job postings in Canada state the point that the applicants must be a "good team player"? The Sage defies you to refute any of the aforementioned!!!If Canadians want to see a healthy sustainable economy they had better wake up to the deficiencies of socialism. Even Fidel Castro, the darling of the communist cult, admitted in November of this year that "Communism does not work". Why do people think that this country is any different? We don't hand out vodka to soothe the agony of the masses but our health care system sure does hand out a lot of pills. Canada is eerily similar to the FAILED former U.S.S.R. the "Union of the Soviet "SOCIALIST" Republic. Liberals bring nothing but misery and yet they are worshipped for it. And to ensure a loyal votary (gullible mass)they conjure up the myth of Global Warming and create a new religion...they couldn't save an economy but they know they can control the gullible masses (loyal votary) with the promise that they will save the planet and the polar bear. Incidentally, pardon my digression, the Sage is planning an expedition to hunt and kill the biggest consumer of flesh (Polar Bear for those of you in Southern Ontario)that stalks this frozen part of the planet . I will be using a Browning 375 H&H Magnum with a Bushnell 12power eye piece equipped with a b.d.c. (bullet drop compensator for those of you in Southern Ontario)and loaded with 5 rounds of 350grain copper soft point bullets.
Remember when things get tough...reload.

Liberate Free Enterprise...Kill Socialism.

***Pierre Eliot Trudeau, Liberal Prime Minister of Canada throughout the 70's and much of the 80's self admittedly was totally ignorant about economics yet he wanted to redistribute wealth to finance the construction of a "just society". If you don't want to succeed the government will take care of you...from womb to tomb at the expense of those who could succeed if not for big government and career politicians who consider themselves the elite of society...the Liberal elite.

The Great Sage


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