Saturday, February 26, 2011

Liberalism is a mental disorder

Before we start there's just one thing that needs to be made known...Che is dead...get over it. All you socialist liberals who think he's going to liberate the masses from the despotic grip of the Capitalists I think you had better quit waiting.His good buddy Castro the commee had him offed in Bolivia.As for the mental problem that unknowingly afflicts so many lefties the only cure is to let them self destruct. Let this vile plague run it's course and eventually it will dissipate. The very psychology of liberalism is self defeating. Liberals depend on socialism which is the confiscating of income from those who work or own their own business...wealth re-distribution. Many workers haven't figured this out yet as their unions have them programmed to be good socialist sheep. Liberals automatically expect their big brother government to take care of them for everything. The taxes deducted from our income to support our health care system are far disproportionate to the service we actually get. Let me keep my taxes and I'll get my own health care and at the end of the year I'll have 3-5 thousand dollars more at the end of the year that I can put back into the economy or retirement. If you're unemployed don't worry about looking for work in the isolated north just sit back and demand welfare. If you think you're injured or mentally stressed then you can probably qualify for a pension of some type. Here's the prime example of judging a liberal from a distance just by his/her mannerism; let's say you're in a third world country where it's imperative that you maintain eternal vigilance, you always have to be alert for danger whether it's from a wild dog, snake, croc., thugs and thieves or crazy drivers. The liberal will be the one standing out in the middle of the road asking directions from the cab that just dropped them off while totally disregarding the crazy drivers barreling down the road just around the corner. A CONSERVATIVE, if he had to even ask for directions, would be on the side of the road while always looking both ways and waiting for some mad man to be driving the side of the road. The CONSERVATIVE is always prepared to defend and maintain his position while the liberal depends on government. A liberal shutters at the mention of firearms. Liberals think that all firearms should be was tried by Liberal member Alan(faggot)Rock with the introduction of Bill C-68 in Canada. At least with Harper we can keep our guns. Liberals think that socialism is superior to capitalism but they're too stupid to realize that it's the Capitalist Private Sector that feeds Socialism...but not for long. Liberals actually think that unions not the Private Sector generate income. Liberals have the audacity to say that corporations should pay more taxes...little do these wind bags realize that when corporations have more money, just like the average, citizen worker, they spend more money thus putting that money back into the economy. Liberals actually believe in global warming. They were brainwashed with propaganda from David Suzuki, Algore and the Hamburglar Michael Moore that the "Earth has a temperature". The pea brain environmentalists yelled and screamed for "green power" because they're commissar politicians told them too. They wanted wind turbines to replace coal, nuclear and the same stupid whiners, the same dumb sheep, don't want wind turbines along the Lake Superior shoreline because they visually pollute the landscape. Careful what you ask for because you just might get it. NOW PROVE ME WRONG.Liberalism is a Mental even affects us Capitalist Conservatives. We're sick and tired of listening to you. We're terrified as to what stupid, redundant and inordinate legislation we're going to have to shoot down next.Liberals are steadily being warned about the threat of fanatical Islam yet they ignore it. A 20 year old Arab/muslim university student gets busted for plotting to build and detonate a nuclear device in Texas and yet muslims are still supposed to be considered peaceful and accepted into our society. Liberals condemn George Bush for removing Saddam Hussein from Iraq but fail to recognize the fact that if Ghadaffy still had his WMD's, as ordered by Bush to hand them over or face the strong arm of JUSTICE, he would've used those weapons on his own people. Liberals fail to recognize the fact that the world is in the beginning stages of WWIII. They think that a group hug around a camp fire singing Kum By Ya will cause the Muslim Terrorists to love us and even accept a society that sanctions the marriage of queers. Liberals think that multiculturalism is the sign of an advanced society when in fact it's the opposite. Even Angela Merkel of Germany, Nic Sarkozy of France, David Cameron of Great Britain and Silvio Berlesconi of Italy have all said that multiculturalism can't work. Why is Canada or the U.S. different?These are just the evident facts...prove the Sage wrong. And emotional platitudes are not good enough. Prove as to how multiculturalism can work here; did I misspeak on quoting European leaders as saying multiculturalism failed?, disprove my claim that the global whiners are protesting their own green power movement and their protesting of further wind turbine expansion.Check in with the commissar of "mind think" and prove the Great Sage wrong. Remember, before you enter the arena of ideas ensure that your breastplate is bronze and not cardboard. The battlefield of logic is littered with liberal corpses. Your words should inspire thought not be a substitute for it. A Conservative speaks because he has something to say...a liberal because he wants to say something.
The Great's all about being RIGHT.


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