Thursday, February 24, 2011

Obama and Gadaffy

O what a web
Hey Obama what's left to say? Your spiritual leader Jeremiah Wright was a regular visitor of Gadaffy's otherwise known as KaDaffy Duck. Hey has anyone noticed how many bodies lay in the streets with just 3 nights of rioting? Let me see now,,,,is Lybia predominately muslim? No it can't be. Muslims are taught to be peace loving brothers of Allah. Why didn't Obama come out right at the begining of this mess and condemn "the duck". The same duck that ordered the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 Dec 1988 over Lockerbie Scotland.

The Great Sage


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sagadhafy oopppps I mean SagaDaffy. This last blog is no doubt your worst yet. Lacks any credibility,demonstrates your ignorance and immature sense of humour.
Did you ever consider Obama is cautious not to risk the safety of the US citizens still waiting for evacuation from Libya? As President he is honouring his pledge to serve and protect Americans. Many are still waiting for safe passage. Moammar is, even in your opinion an unpredictable terrorist.

1:26 AM, February 25, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll drive you crazy with the truth.Obama is friends with Ghadaffy and for the past week of this inssurection he was too busy playing basketball or dancing rather than deal with this turmoil.Why don't you dissect any of my entries and disprove them. Prove that all terrorists are not muslim.Now the Brotherhood of Muslims wants to take over Libya? Prove that Hitler's Arian Nazi race didn't originate in Iran. Prove that the Grand Mufti, Haj Ali Husseini, wasn't a muslim cleric who conspired with Hitler in the "final sollution". Disprove the Sage's claim that every conflict on the planet today doesn't involve muslims. Don't just give a shallow emotional unsubstantive reply as to where I am wrong. Your apparatchiks have misled you with templated dogma that was hammered into their brain by the likes of Obama, "Taliban Jack" Layton, Tony Martin and George Sorros. Your flawed ideology will be your end. Disprove the fact that Iraq, thanx to George Bush is the only country free of tyrrany with the exception of Iran stirring up shit like it always does. Obama is even trying to kill the Western economy. He says he wants to put an end to coal. Does he know what steel mills need to make steel? He's put a moritorium on domestic drilling thus putting more money into the Arab's pockets. Now that's getting expensive. Because of the green idiots we refine food into fuel. People starve. The major catalyst in these civil uprisings is the lack of food...because it's going to fuel. just wait for it here. Fuel prices cause everything to go up mostly food. But then again the Sage is full of shit.I've offered my sword anonymous, now will you thrust it with conviction or flail about aimlessly? Why don't you "cut and paste" your corroborating evidence?The Great Sage

9:10 PM, February 25, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Intollerance and ignorance - thy name is Sage. Impossible to drive anyone crazy - we chalk it up to drug abuse,religion and your neo-con ideology. Ever consider joining Glen Beck as a guest anchor? The Crayfish

10:23 AM, February 26, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My suggestion to you is don't wear a cardoard breastplate when in the arena of ideas.You cower hiding behind the wall of technology. With a shallow, weak minded statement such as yours you had better hide. Your ability to punch some keys far exceeds your intellect as even a monkey can be trained to punch keys. If you had half a brain, and I'm dead serious here, you would  keep your mouth shut and your fingers bound. You stupid liberals are sore losers. Your a typical liberal socialist. I'll bet you drive a Dodge Chrysler product mini van or shit box car, or a Toyota mini van or shit box car...that is if you even own a vehicle or driver's license. And I'm sure you are very adept in the use of drugs.Hey STUPID you're going onto the battlefield with a wooden sword...but what the hell it looks good with your cardboard breastplate. Before you cut down Glen Beck or FOX NEWS think of your information source...Much Music, Rolling Stone, Oprah and Charlie Sheen just to name a few...AND DON'T DRINK THE WATER IN THE BONG. The Great Sage

3:13 PM, February 26, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya better get up from of George's Bush cuz if you swallow any more of that you'll turn into a peace-loving, Muslem and will have to wear your tights in public while you swish your way to the closest bomb-making factory hiding under your burqua.

8:35 PM, February 26, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya better get up from of George's Bush cuz if you swallow any more of that you'll turn into a peace-loving, Muslem and will have to wear your tights in public while you swish your way to the closest bomb-making factory hiding under your burqua.

8:36 PM, February 26, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya better get up from of George's Bush cuz if you swallow any more of that you'll turn into a peace-loving, Muslem and will have to wear your tights in public while you swish your way to the closest bomb-making factory hiding under your burqua.

8:36 PM, February 26, 2011  

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