Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Multiculturalism will fail: Tarek Fatah | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun

Multiculturalism will fail: Tarek Fatah | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun
What's left to say? The Sage need not backpeddle on any of his prophecies. Muslim leaders themselves are saying what I have said since 9/11.
Multiculturalism does not work.

The Great Sage


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Intollerance, hatred and weakness divide and conqueur peoples. Instead of celebrating our differences and sharing our knowledge to perfect our world we chew away at each other because of skin color, culture and beliefs. That is something the Sage most devote himself to in order to bring perfection and long-life to earth and it's people.

11:36 AM, February 09, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To quote that famous philosypher Rodney (billy club)King "why can't we all just get along". The Sage was quite willing to live side by side in peace but unfortunately a hatefull sect refuses. When in Rome...and When in Canada or the U.S. ...I'm sure you know the rest.Sage

2:23 PM, February 09, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The cat got your tongue? Who wrote this comment - The Sage - no way - too short and simplistic - Is there a Ghost Sage Now? Please bring back the cut and paste windbag!!!!! Or is the poultry seasoning showing his true colors? LOL

10:31 PM, February 09, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the wind comes from the bags who comment without discernment.Again...your words should provoke and inspire thought, not be a substitute for it.Oh by the way, a muslim text book for grade schoolers that found it's way into the hand's of British Law makers was actually an istruction manual in the severing of the hands of thieves and "how to kill a Jew"...all this courtesy of the "religion of peace". Not in my country please.The Great Sage

2:04 PM, February 10, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Great Sage please enlighten the universe with your altruistic and stimulating intellect. Climb into that book and reverse its intent - thus, altering the same treatment appearing in the judeo-christain bible for adulterers ie: stoning. In fact, some of the world's most hideous crimes against humanity are detailed and encouraged in that so revered man-made document.

9:42 PM, February 10, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How shallow...and mankind was once a cannibal. Of course people were stoned during Biblical times only because there was no "electric chair" (Old Sparky) "bullets" or even a sense of humane punishment.   We became civilized while the rest of humanity preferred the Dark Ages.What is it that you are trying so fucking hard to deny here? that an enemy is at the gate or better yet what exactly are you trying to promote? love for a barbaric culture that never came out of the 6th century ?Sept 30 1938 Neville Chamberline steps off a plane after meeting with Hitler, who conspired with the muslims to kill Jews, Masons,  queers and so-on, with a letter of "PEACE" in his hand shouting "we have peace in our time"...OK Neville.Anonymous you are an appeaser..."an appeaser is someone who feeds a crocodile hoping that it will eat him last""A prisoner of war (POW for those in university) is someone who tries to kill you but begs for you not to kill him"."He who burns books will burn people" Iran has already burned every bit of Jewish lit. in it's hellish shit hole of a country...all they are waiting for is the educated West(of which you are Anonymous) to make the foolish move of, along with implementing an "open arms" policy, turning it's back on Israel. How can anyone ignore the message that is being sent by radical islam? Hezzbola in Lebanon who declares itself a political party designs a flag containing an AK47  on it. (an AK47 is a Russian machine gun for those of you in university) Iran comes onto the world stage and flat out denies the holocaust and wants to drive Israel into the sea "Achmadimijad" . The PLO tells their people not to drink Pepsi because it is the soda that financially feeds the Israeli Military...P E P S I...Pay Every Penny Save Israel.In a food market in Damascus Syria an ape (primate for those in university)is cruelly chained inside a cage and is addicted to cigarettes, chain smoking ape, and it is the spectacle of anti-semitism. Children are brought to see this poor wretched creature neverendingly inhale the 257 toxic chemicals because it was explained to them that Jews reincarnate as Pigs or Apes. The fact that the Ape smoked made this demeaning lie seem authentic. At least 3 times a week there are demonstrations by hardline muslims in the U.K. who have openly screamed death threats to everybody and all of Western Society. One of the most serious threats that have  Canadian authorities on edge right now is the sabotage of the Oil Sands and our refineries because it is Canada, not Saudi A. that has 75% of the world's oil supply and the U.S. is our largest customer of oil. There is another major concern but it hasn't been made public, ergo a muslim whack job may be influenced into carrying out an act of sabotage. In the event of a bombing this point of concern would have devastating effects on North America.On a closing note there are 15 conflicts around the world today and 13 of them are Muslim on Muslim. The 14th one is muslim against Jew, Iran, Syria, Palistine, Lebanon against Israel and the 15th one is muslim against communist...Chechnyan on Russian.What exactly are you trying to say Anonynous...that you support the destruction of Israel and the West and that Islam is a peacefull religion? Read some of the versus contained in the Koran or Hadith.  Anonymous you are an eloquent word smith but it is evident that your education is soley academic and void of wisdom and common sense. Your immature mind full of mush was obviously programmed in one of our anti societal institutions. You would be very influential to a flock of blind sheep...liberal sheep but you wouldn't make it without the military might of  Britain and America; you would be decapitated with out protection. Or do you think your group hug approach will promote peace.If you want peace prepare for war.The Great Sage      

12:07 AM, February 11, 2011  

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