Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Reply to Anonymous

In many of the Sage's articles there are replies from an anonymous member of the human race. The content of the replies are all the same. Anonymous states that I am ridiculous and that the context hinders my claim to being the Sage.
You know Anonymous, I think you're suffering from a neurological impediment...a disorder that inhibits you from diverting from the "same" limited range of content
that no doubt was written by someone other than yourself. Similar to a repetitive speech disorder, usually accompanied by severe stuttering, an individual uncontrollably and irritatingly repeats him/herself. The humiliating aspect of this deficiency is the subject's inability to be coherent and speak beyond primitive gibberish...or at least communicate with smoke signals. I'll bet you copied and pasted this comment, for lack of external input, (buddy was gone)after an inculcated session with several behavioral "scientists" not therapists. I know I know you think your ability to use a computer is evidence that you possess "some" intellect, well don't be too proud of that muscle twitch, even primates can be PROGRAMMED to punch a few keys.
I hope your disorder isn't genetic cause it would make for an awful family get together. Maybe the gene pool needs a bit of chlorine; although, I don't think chlorine will stabilize the infectious properties of progressive liberalism.

Mr. or Mrs. liberal anonymous...just like your fellow communists you are very close to stepping in that hole in your cloud and it's a big one. And one thing about liberal socio-communists is they DO NOT bounce back.

The Great Sage

The Great Sage


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That you have resorted to personal attacks proves just how weak and ineffective your pseudo-intellectual hard-ass FOX-like arguements. Thank you for confirming your inability to compete intellectually. Sticks and Stones. Grade 3 or what oh Sage?

11:09 PM, February 02, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you think your repetitive, closed minded conservative ideology is new or different or not been heard many times before you are mistaken. Switch off FOX news and try thinking on your own. As I do detect a minute speck of smarts in your writings it would be refreshing if such was void of the narrowness and rigidness of the ultra-right beliefs you vomit forth.

12:40 PM, February 03, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The truth is what it is, there are no alternatives.I see no worthy opponents on this landscape of ideals. Their delusional position on current events is purely emotional and void of substance. The moment the "hard-ass" truth is activated it becomes a ruthless hunter that  seeks to annhilate that which is determined to undermine everything civil and it's wake lay the remnants of an ostensibly compassionate life form whose selfish concern's and interest's are all that matter.Their dependence on propagated filth which emanates from the mainstream media has left them incapable of delineating right from wrong thus rendering them a threat to our existence.These ingrates are the sludge that our military men and women died for???Being of Ukrainian descent I had family members that fought in three wars and an insurrection against Bolshevism who were lucky to survive the horrific atrocities that a pathetic few deny today. Have you ever spoken with anybody who was involved in the liberation of a concentration camp? Can you understand the pshycological effects of the miasmic remnants of what were once living, loving, working human beings? Doubt it. FYI people, the yellow star of David that the Jews were mandated to display during WWII originated in Iran a MUSLIM caliphate hell bent on destroying Israel and the entire Western culture long before Hitler. In this, WWIII, the queers will be first to lose their heads. Next the cowards.The Great Sage          

6:07 PM, February 03, 2011  

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