Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Tax time

Well comrades it's that time of the year again when the commissar's of revenue ally themselves with the commissar's of air and space consumption to calculate the appropriate penalty for irresponsibly working towards the selfish idea of survival.
How disgusting has civilization become where the proletariat(prol) feels as though he is entitled to reap what he has sewn. How low will society stoop in thinking that those who risk everything to be in business should be blessed with the meagre reward of retaining even a pittance of their wares. Comrades for the common good and the development of the late great fearless leader Pierre Elliot Trudeau's "Just Society" there will be a new "progressive" department initiated for the sole purpose of collecting (confiscating) that which is owed (everything). In addition to this self-sufficiency and personal responsibility will no longer be admirable traits deserving reward. The state need not remind "it's" workers that the gulags still have vacancy.
Capitalist pigs should be reminded that all work is for the good of the state.
The Commissar of the "Common Good" will be collaborating with the other 5,400 "progressive" agencies to ensure that individuals voluntarily donate, at gun point if need be, all income derived from the time of awakening until sleep. Incidentally the Commissar of "Reprieve" will monitor the hours of rest of all prols. As an added incentive prol's who refuse to bandage fingers to stop profuse bleeding due to constant clawing of the frozen dirt will be allotted 3 additional minutes of sleep. Rather than rising from rest at 3:45 am the prol will now rise at 3:47...the other minute will be donated to those who are less fortunate. As a streamlining of our great government institution the Commissar of "Honest Allotment" will not only monitor the allocation of this precious minute of time but will also ensure mandatory volunteering by prols with more than 15 minutes of spare time on their filthy hands.
Remember comrades the beet fields are in need of harvest and the Trans-Siberian Railway needs more spikes. We as a collective of proletariat's, peace be unto Tony Martin, must remember that we as individuals are nothing. One man's voice is insignificant and irrelevant. It is government and togetherness that ensures progression. As good, decent "kulaks" we must put our faith in government,our "Big Brother" for it is looking to defend us from the evils of "Capitalism" and common sense.
If you hear a knock on the door at 3:00am do not fear for it is only the "Brown Shirts" wanting to ask just a few questions...such as did you keep any beets that fell out of the sacks that you carried to the Borscht factory? Did you swing your mulletuk (hammer) more than 4 times per spike while on the railroad? Have you had any chocolate this month? If yes what garbage bin did this chocolate come from? They may get personal...they may inquire as to whether or not you used your water quota for such wasteful and environmentally unfriendly things such as washing more than 3times a week or using it to down the medication you require to stay "SANE".
These interviews (interrogative sessions)will last no more than 45 minutes allowing you ample time to wrap the leather strips to your feet before you leave the gulag... excuse me...your apartment as to fulfill your "mandatory" contribution to society.
Together we can build a bigger government, together we can install enough commisars to ensure stability within our Socialist Utopia but most importantly we can elimate the evil Bourgeoisie who claim they build a self sustaining economy by generating employment through the hiring of prols who produce what the world arrogantly misleading; which is why Canistan needs more regulation and more Commisars.

Infidel Partisan the Sage.
All parody aside...Liberate Free Enterprise Kill Socialism.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

freedom can never be achieved or realized until the demise of government and big business. Comrade,bolshivic,marxist,fascist conservative or liberal, none are worth a pinch of rat droppings and as the french did - we should - hurrah - the revolution is coming.
Anarchy is freedom -- the Wolf so declares

8:36 PM, January 18, 2011  
Blogger Dave said...

Salve plebian "Wolf". You are way off course with a comment like that.Freedom is a state of mind. Bondage and chains are the result of an unequivocal acceptance of regulation regardless of how oppressively excessive, meaninglessness and ridiculous it may be. A government is needed to govern the land not control the people which regulation does. An honest allocation of my tax dollars is all that is required and all that I ask. As for your anti-business attack who do you think finances everything about this or any other country? It is Business that pays the bulk share of tax Wolf, it is business that feeds the poor, the disadvantaged, and the disabled and the lazy scam artists through the funding of the social system with our tax dollars or confiscated income.
Myself and my business combined payed out just under one million dollars to the government and the unions Mr. Wolf. Do you know where my taxes went Wolf? To finance everybody in the sector's that I just mentioned. With the amount of money I paid in excessive taxes I could've employed 15 to 20 more people. In Canada, 1 person works 10 people eat. In Afghanistan 1 person works 17people ear and in the U.S. 1person works 3people eat. Canada is economically closer to Afghanistan than the U.S..
Business, the Private Sector gives while government takes. I make and they take. I get all of the risk and they get most of the reward.Wolf, my suggestion to you is that you familiarize yourself with the ideological aspects of Conservative vs. Liberal.
With liberal/Democrats you get "Red Square" social communism...or unions. 

The Sage

11:37 PM, January 20, 2011  

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