Saturday, December 25, 2010

Middle East War perpetuated by Arabs.

The war in the Middle East is thousands of years old with no immediate resolve whatsoever. The "Arabs" are blessed with war and I cannot think of it as a curse because it is the Arabs that will not exist in peace with Israel. Every conflict and uprising is automatically the fault of the Jews...regardless of where on the planet it takes place. What is so dangerously maligned here is that Western Media and Academia support TERRORISTS, who are only fueled by hatred; the Liberal Left is completely brainwashed by Hamas, Hezbola, P.L.O. Al Qaida and the Taliban. Liberals don't even understand something as simple as an economy and yet they immerse themselves into their version of a humanitarian cause by speaking out against Israel when it fires back in self defence. The complexities and esoteric nature of the origin of this war, or any war, is beyond comprehension to anyone that thinks the world's problems will be solved by a group hug.
The perpetual war in the Middle East will end only with Divine intervention, no the Sage must stay neutral...for now. There is no chance of peace and this was evident in the statement by Egyptian official, Muhammed Abdel Fadil Shousha of the South Sinai government. His absolutely stupid comments are what perpetuates war. After an "act of nature", ergo bloodshed, several swimmers at the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh last week were attacked by sharks. Well guess what???it was Israel's fault.
The brain dead swine that made this statement said that it was the Israeli Defence Force, (I.D.F.) that released the sharks in the Red Sea in order to kill civilian swimmers.
Next it will George W. Bush's fault.
The war in the Middle East is there long as the Arabs are there anyway.

The Great Sage


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Arabs were there first. The British, French and (behind closed doors) the Americans devised the genocide of the existing popluation in the middle east in order to rid themselves of their own guilt over the holocaust and to remove the jews from their countries by giving them the land known today as Isreal. All of the death, heartache, sorrow, loss and terror perpetrated upon the Arabs which results directly from the state of Israel since its illegal and questionable inception in 1948 by the 'powers that be' are solely responsible for the genocide practiced against the Palestinians in order to justify the destruction of Arab culture, life and a future.War in the middle east is the West's way of disclaiming all responsibility for that which they created. If Isreal can become a state in 9 months of horsetrading Palestine should be created eith the same international vigor. Any Sage denying the truth and reality of history should return to his studies before writing ridiculuous comments that are historically and technically incorrect. What the West did to the Native-First Nations people was repeated in the Middle East to the demise of an entire people living in Palestine.The labelling of an entire race of people as terrorists certainly has successfully clouded the stiuation that actually exists while at the same time brainwashing even the most astute self-proclaimed Sage. Sage is very good on turkey and is a main ingrediant of poultry seasonong. A spice cherished in the middle east.

10:29 PM, January 06, 2011  
Blogger Dave said...

To "your" position on the state of Israel I think it's time for you to become educated by a system void of LIBERAL anti-semetic bias.
Real quick here it was the almighty League of Nations that didn't know how to rectify the issue of leaving the Israelites in their own territory...3,500years of their territory. The term or word Arab never even came into existence before 700AD.
Further to this it was the Grand Mufti of the Ottoman province of Jerusalem, Haj-Mohammed Amin al-Hussein who offered Himmler (a Hitler henchman, for you lefties out there) who suggested that an option for eliminating the Jews was to ship them all into Palistine where, after they were herded like sheep, could be easily slaughtered. Your Arabs, Mr. Anonymous, brought the Jews back to their homeland for the big slaughter.
Further to your ignorance America had nothing to do with the resettlement plan it was all initiated by the British because nobody else wanted anything to do with the issue.
The war in the Middle East goes back to the Cannanites (Palistinians) who initiated and lost their war(s).
You sir or ms or mrs are obviously a Hitler sympathyzer.
Sage is very good with poultry but that is a spice..something that has nothing to do with the term that I choose to label my persona with.
My suggestion to you is take off the rose coloured glasses and look at history the way it happened not the way your left wing educational system has trained you. Creative history and unreality always obstructs the truth. Personally I think the truth is foreign to you.
Where do you think the Jews should go?
If you or anyone else thinks that fanatic Islam will cease the senseless killing even if the Jewish sect was terminated it's time you got educated on the Koran, Hadith and Sharia.
In closing I must inform you that the term "Arian", Hitler's true Germanic race, means Iran and whom other than Achmadimijad is best suited for organizing the destruction of that Hitler is gone, or is he? To this day Mr. educated, the final sollution is still being sought only this time the sollution will include unsuspecting goodie goodie people such as yourself.
But...I must commend you for wanting to expand your knowledge by emersing yourself in the wise text of the Sage.
Take heed people for this mindless drivel is rampant in the world of Left Wing Lunatic Arab TERRORIST sympathizers. All Arabs are not suicide (homicide)bombers but all suicide bombers are Arab.
And if Hezzbola attempts to launch rockets from a Mosque with women and children around that Mosque then Israel has every right to retaliate with 10times the force.
One more thing you condone the killing of innocent

The Sage

3:49 PM, January 11, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Turkey spice - your information obviously is formulated from a lack of historical knowledge and a disregard for anything you reject that does not conform to your particularly right-wing ideology and you have no atherial right to accuse others of being hitler lovers when your words mimic those of the hitler youth - minus that arian touch of course. The wolf emerges in reality

1:24 PM, January 18, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh great Sage your ability to name so many 'perpetrators' is impressive yet lacking in its intent to convince the validity of the opinions you so religiously spew with such reverence. The wolf endures.

8:25 PM, January 18, 2011  

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