Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mainstream Media Lies and Absurdities.

This entry must be read with an open mind and an understanding of the truth, something foreign to the Mainstream Media. The reader mustn't be hindered by an emotional bias that filters out truth and reality. The reader must think on their own and not under an influence of interpretations from self righteous apparatchiks programmed by the Liberal Progressive Elite.Has anyone ever stopped to think about how ridiculous society has become?A simple way of life where common sense and rational dictate our daily existence is now an entangled web of self orchestrated complexities. Trust, a term so laden with responsibility that it seems impossible to find anybody worthy of being it's guardian in fact we can't even trust the one major source of our information...the media. They just won't give the masses the truth. But when we the informed, the one's who know what's going on attempt to inform and enlighten inculcated sheep totally devoid of the ability to comprehend common sense facts we're classified as racist or indignant nut bars akin to the likes of Glen Beck and/or the entire FOX NEWS cast. This is how uninformed the liberal segment of society is; after the Tucson Arizona shooting a very very lame brained individual known as "Sherrif Clarence Dupnik" accused the Conservative Right for instigating the shooting with their use of violence related words and terms and the media jumps all over it using it as a childishly progressive opportunity to attack the Right. They think that a conversation comprised of an aggressive vernacular influences violence. For instance...Sarah Palin's inspirational comment "don't retreat...reload". Or this choice of occaisional words commonly used by politicians, "we've got our "sites" on certain "targets" and there will be no limit as to the political "ammunition" in our congressional "arsenal". The Left Wing "Pin Heads" in the mainstream media just assume that everybody is stupid enough to believe the onslaught of asinine talking points meant to discredit rational minded people...or conservatives...this isn't even a theory because it's so stupid. I want to bang my head against the wall in disbelief that these idiots even have a license to broadcast. Of course the "Main Stream media" would attempt to make you believe that "Che Guevara" was a Freedom Fighter rather than a cold blooded killer or The "Third Reich" put the interests of the people first and foremost.Then there's the issue with "Radical Islam", "Jihadists", "Suicide Bombers" and Islamic promoters of hate. The terrorists possess more rights than we as "True Canadians" do. The media doesn't inform us of the constant hatred perpetuated by Islamic/Muslim Extremists and that we are in the "CROSS HAIRS" of Muslim Terrorists. Here in the entangled socialist web of Canada Muslim Holy Man "Mohammad Ashraf" mis-allocated hundreds of thousands of charitable dollars, if they really look close enough I'm sure the amount "re-routed" is in the millions, financing Jihad is an expensive undertaking. Investigations reveal that at least one dollar out of four dollars in charitable donations is uncounted for. Financial aid ostensibly raised for the poor leaves a subliminal effect on True Canadians. They see a compassionate and caring culture whose benevolence defies the negative image being portrayed by racially derisive, vitriolic conservative members of an unjust segment of society. The perfect purveyors of propaganda, CNN, NBC, NPR, CBC, ABC, BBC,would pounce on the point that this Muslim charitable organization helps the needy and contributes so much to the "dis-enfranchised" immigrants persecuted by an "unfair" system wrought with bigots. People so marginalized by "White" society that there is no possibility they could be held accountable for an honour killing or the preaching of hatred with death to all "INFIDELS". Hey don't let the facts obstruct a good sound bite..."never let a good crisis go to waste". If the truth was revealed to the masses they would realize that their government lied all along and that multiculturalism was a failure from it's inception and that government should never be elected again...the Liberals in Canada and the Democrats in the United States of America. It's all about the vote. Left Wing, progressive socialist governments cater to the "non-traditional/non-European" immigrant looking for the vote while totally oblivious to the ramifications of the radical/extreme presence within that votary. Islam is a threat not only to our security but our tradition and standard of living. Islam condones Jihad. Islam inspires suicide bombers. Islam forces a person to hate Jews and Christians and to absolutely despise homosexuals and atheists. Islam condones the STONING of women. Islam slaughters newborn babies if they are believed to be illegitimate. Islam co opts the ignorant into believing that 72 virgins await them in "paradise.I have no disrespect for anyone who respects me. I am not concerned about the colour of anyone's skin only his ideology. I believe in a peaceful co-existance with any body who believes in peaceful co-existance. I believe in a God who insists I help my fellow man and that includes "freeing the OPPRESSED" which ultimately means if "Man wants peace he must prepare for war".The Great Sage.


Blogger Hawwkstar said...

Tea-Party Dave - Do you bring your gun to the rinky-dink protests too?
If you wore your white hood everyone would know who you are I suppose and though it would suit your politics (at least that which you spew)such would give you away too quickly, right?

6:30 PM, January 24, 2011  
Blogger Hawwkstar said...

Rather be liberal than dead of mind, spirit and intellect and void of humanity as the right-wing proves to be with every action, word and comment. When living in Canada one should be satisfied with our rights, freedoms etc. all of which do not result from war, death, greed and hatred. Oh say can you see a Canadian Military Complex?

6:37 PM, January 24, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better to be naive then a mindless follower or dead of mind as Hawkstar said. The Eagle

9:09 AM, January 25, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hawwkstar, again, ignorance seems to run rampant. Your freedom is a direct result of the U.S. military.
If they weren't there to the south of us we would be overrun by either communist Russia, Chi Comms (communist China) or 50 different fanatic muslim countries. You are probably unaware of the fact that Stalin was on his way into Canada in his delusional attempt to invade the states after Berlin but the deterring factor was the nuke bombing of Japan.
You are the perfect example of a brain dead liberal and I do not want you or anybody similar to your mental(ly retarded) capacity with a position of authority in my country. You are a poor example of what a human being should be...but then again you are the typical blind sheep that liberals love, obedient, never questions authority, is "satisfied" with crumbs rather than the entire slice because he/she is told to be satisfied and no doubt thinks that George Bush ordered the sabatoge bombing of the WTC buildings.
Oh and hawwkstar you said that you'd rather be liberal than dead of mind, spirit and intellect and void of humanity (whatever that's supposed to mean)as the Right Wing proves with every action etc. well for one thing you may possess somewhat of a minute intellect as you do know how to submit an entry into this blog site but you are totally void of any wisdom and as far as spirit is concerned what have you contributed that was spiritual in your sense? And please provide an example of where the Right failed to consider the better interests of mankind in whatever course of action they underwent. Maybe Canada shouldn't have got involved in WWI, WWII, Korean War, Somalia and now Afghanistan and we should've signed on with the other 42 countries that went into Iraq. We were in those wars and conflicts to liberate the oppressed, destroy fascism and to prevent the spreading of the plague of communism. Are you aware hawwkstar, that in communist China today they harvest human organs from condemned prisoners and that the largest consumer of these organs are CANADIANS. Tells you all you need to know about the Canadian Health Care system. This is what war is for hawwkstar to prevent atrocities that are overlooked (Chamberlain 1939)and if you or anyone else dimwittingly thinks that the Sage condones war then you are sick and incapable of understanding the mechanics of life as mankind has known only 600days of peace since the recording of history.
Hey hawwkstar are you aware of what the acronym T.E.A. Party stands for??? taxed enough already FYI. But then again you wouldn't complain to the government about paying taxes because like paying taxes? Hey prol.(proletariate)the government would tell you that in order to save the planet you can only flush your toilet twice a day and you wouldn't question them. Forget about the cholera, typhis and plague but you're saving the planet.
You no doubt believe in man made global warming and are employed in the public sector which includes welfare or disability of some type as in mental disability.

The Great Sage

9:20 PM, January 31, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were sparks just flying off your keyboard Great Sage? It is unfortunate and somewaht perplexing to read the over verbose anger in your response to my comments. As I have had an obvious effect on you - I must continue to comment. Please do not have a coronary - you, in typical right-wing fashion - burst with ridicule and hatred towards anyone or anything differing from your rigid, stale views. The U.S. military is responsible for the slaughter of more innocents than all suicide bombs combined and multiplied by millions. Convient though it may be to march in goose-step with republican ideology, it is neither attractive nor appealing. I pity you because your ability to memorize the dictionary and the republican playbook indicates an ability yet, it is severly limited by the simple fact - you lash out whenever challenged, questioned or proven wrong. Go Right towards the Left.

9:38 PM, February 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous your opinion is of no concern. That you stick up for the the Sage indicates you are probably dating or engaged to the Sage. Surely the Sage can defend himself and in his own right can fight his own battles. Which one is the sissy?

9:55 PM, February 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No cornary here anonymous and no sparks. I find it perplexing as to how you survive in a world that requires people to work for a living...oh yes..unless you're in the blood sucking "public sector".At least there one isn't required to be inovative because the Private Sector will do that for them.The Great Sage.

2:09 PM, February 06, 2011  

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