Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood: ‘Prepare Egyptians for war with Israel'

Muslim Brotherhood: ‘Prepare Egyptians for war with Israel'
Welcome truth seekers everywhere the Sage is pleased and honoured to have you as guests in this humble domain of truth and evidence.
Now the Sage is aware of the unwillingness on the part of progressive liberals to acknowledge the truth. For some reason fact, reality and logic are unacceptable and somewhat inciting. Anyone who can distinguish between fact and fiction is considered weird or misled and anyone who promotes the truth is a Right Wing nut. Liberal lefties witness with their own two eyes violent atrocities committed against their fellow human beings and yet they must wait to have what they've witnessed explained to them. i.e. "now for the viewing audience who may wonder just exactly what it is that they are witnessing here, we can tell you that the beheadings of these White, Western Christian or Jewish individuals were INSTIGATED by an intolerant society flush with INFIDELS who constantly ridicule and blaspheme Islam The Religion of Peace". Ya right they cut the head of some poor son of a bitch because that is the nature of their uncivilized sloven culture...period. I don't need some phony liberal political party that modifies the behavior of society with subliminal agitprop's and propaganda to explain that what I'm witnessing isn't really what I'm witnessing. "We beg of the people not to jump to conclusions here or develop a pre-conceived notion as to what appears to be happening. That really wasn't a beheading but as soon as we consult with our muslim affiliate in Syria I'm sure this mis-understanding will be sorted out.
Well here's another mythical report that I'm sure the progressives have an explanation for or they'll just dismiss it as being Right Wing Dogma that prevents us from joining hands with the "muslim brotherhood" and singing Kum By Ya.
I do not want to be controlled by the "Religion of Peace". It's time to annul our relationship with multiculturalism and inform the "non-traditional" immigrant that they can practice the religion of their choice as long as it blends with the founding principles of our constitution...Canadian and American. If you choose to be an atheist slash human secularist then that is your prerogative but under no circumstances will you be a party to a religion that is as barbaric as FANATICAL Islam...no way. This country is already on the road to defeat. Muslims will eventually outnumber Christians and Secularists...then what? In this politically correct shit hole we choose apathy over action, we constantly placate the implacable and we're afraid to speak for fear of offending someone namely the prophet Mohamed.
FYI...did you know that a Ras Mussen poll a few years back revealed that 3% of the muslim population in North America, Canada and U.S. combined was willing to act as a SUICIDE BOMBER in the name of the "Religion of Peace". 3% may not sound like all that much but with an overall muslim population of around 25million in both countries that means that there are about 80,000 arab muslim fanatics that are willing to blow themselves up on a crowded street or public place if and when ordered.
Western Society is not ready for that. 80,000 suicide (homicide) bombers. 1 blast in down town Toronto will change that city forever. and there's still 79,999 left. This Islam is not a religion it is recruiting cult. Is this simple enough to understand???

The Great Sage


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Sooth Sager has spoken. Again his apparent semi-command of the english language is overshadowed by his exceedingly verbose right-wing dogma. Perhaps he should take those racist blinders off and view the reality of the 'situation' Maybe then, he would see the forest for the trees. Allah Akbar

If Eqypt, under democratic rule, no longer kisses the ass of the U.S. in exchange for financial, military and other benefits then perhaps Isreal would finally be in the position where they no longer can persecute the people of Palestine. Without the buffer zone once provided by Egypt, at the beck and call of the U.S., the true state of Palestine can be reborn. This would ensure a decrease in the effectiveness of the propaganda to which the Sage has clearly been sucked in by.

9:27 PM, February 01, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uhhh...pardon me but I think the only one sucked in here by their refusal to UNDERSTAND foreign affairs is Anonymous. You are obviously oblivious (and yes these are two separate words) as to the history of Palistine. They lost their land over 3,000years ago when they made attempts to defeat the Israelites in the land of Canan. Your ignornace is definitely a hinderance to your existence...I feel for you.THE GREAT S A G E

2:38 PM, February 02, 2011  

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