Thursday, February 03, 2011

The other lie.

There are so many things that require immediate attention that the only way that anything will be rectified is if we pick away bit by bit in a prioritized manner.Now...every logical minded pragmatist can distinguish between exaggerated idealism and factual evidence. The consensus among those who are not mired in the sludge of denial is that we are very well aware of the fact that Saddam Hussein had to go. It was obvious that the Rogue's Gallery of The United Nation's (against Israel,Britain and the U.S.)were not interested in enforcing their resolutions against Hussein to open the door to inspectors; I think it was about the 15th resolution where this effort now "seemed" futile. After the 17th time enough was enough. Hussein had a personal oil for food scam on the side and made billions of POCKET CASH of which financed his military and WMD programme. He killed off his own people with Mustard Gas(WMD) and summarily executed hundreds of people a day...after a lengthy torture session. His twisted son's had their own "RAPE ROOMS". It was mandatory that every week school teachers submit photos of girls 12years of age and over to satisfy the blessed urges of two good little muslim boys who were loyal to their Allah fearing father. George Bush took a long overdue war to them after 9/11.
The other main issue that requires an immediate response and counter attack is the myth of Global Warming which is now called Climate Change. Every common sense person knows that man is NOT responsible for Climate Change or whatever they want to call it tomorrow. This is the new religion that will get much sacrifice and donations only the sacrifice and donations will be imposed upon us by big government. The Private Sector will suffer whilst they're being robbed. This hoax is propagated by the communist inspired Anti-God, Feminazi socialist cabal that controls everything through Left Wing government's and their clandestine partner-in-crime...Main Stream Media. Many Elitist's and "Fringe" politicians have received Global Warming as "sound science". Joeseph Goebbels would be proud of the effectiveness of the propaganda from the inception of this mythical scam.
Climate changes are inevitable, cyclical, recurrent and unpreventable. Long before man could have had any measurable impact upon the earth's environment. In fact the middle ages hosted a warming trend far greater than our current. The list of warming periods that the earth has experienced is countless...which is why glaciers from 3 ice ages in the past 600,000years M E L T E D . How simple and arrogant for someone to try and fool people into believing that man can produce that much pollution. That would mean that factories would be running flat out and full blast, when they're not. Man might produce 50million tonnes of SO2 and Carbon particulate
and 20million tonnes of hydra-carbons a year but that is far less than the emissions from a volcano. The blast in Iceland last year emitted approximately 580million tonnes per week for 3weeks. Now you're somewhere around 1.6billion tonnes of air borne emissions that far exceeds man's capability. Now multiply that by the other major eruptions in the Philippines, Indonesia, Montserrat in the Caribbean fact Costa Rica's Mt. Arenal, which the Sage has personally studied, has been blowing off 4-5 times daily for the past thousand years...and the earth is still here.
Global warming is an effort to reintroduce serfdom. To solidify a twin tier/class society which totally eliminates the middle class. Everybody other than the liberal elitists will work for basic, rationed food and shelter. The destruction of a once robust economy that was the envy of the world will ensure the elimination of the middle class and a large portion of the modestly upper class. Over regulation and excessive restrictions have the private sector ham strung. There is only room for the big billion dollar players. The back-broken and hard working million dollar entrepreneur is a thing of the past.
Where does China and India and Mexico and Latin America fit into all of this? The Sage will inform you...they are now the proud host's of North America's big industries; and people wonder why they are out of a job. They are unemployed because there is no place to work anymore. Manufacturers produce their goods in a third world shit hole rather than this arrogant first world shit hole because they don't want to deal with the B.S. and B.S. does not stand for "Benevolent Science". And I am seriously considering the same route with my business. Hey Steel Worker and Auto Unions do you understand as to why your membership has drastically declined???it's because there is less steel required in today's pathetically puny-small vehicles don't require that much steel. That is what your union gets for supporting the left which leads to the reverberation of the old adage careful what you ask for because you just might get it. Another prime example is wind power. To change out a "Necel" generator from an 80 meter tower in N. Ontario cost approx. $300,000.00 after travelling the required cranes and crew from Southern Ontario to North. Not cheap. In addition they're irritating as they sound like the constant roar of a jet engine. Can you imagine what the animals are exposed to with this. In my area there was once a healthy population of moose and bear but since the creation of the world's largest wind farm they are no more. Now the whack job environmentalists are protesting further "Green Power" Wind Farms along the shoreline of Lake Superior because of their unsightliness. These are the same people that wanted wind power because it was FUCKING GREEN...again the reverberation of the old adage...careful what you ask for because you just might get it.
This is the most poorly substantiated and exaggerated theory of our time, what happened to the Little Ice Age in the mid-70's??? I defy anyone to disprove the Sage's claims.

Liberate Free Enterprise,,,KILL Socialism.

The Great Sage


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You better hold on to your beliefs about climate change and global warming as such could prove comforting while your roots, stems and leaves disintegrate along with the rest of our natural world. As the planet will the sage.
Then lets see how fast you disregard the ultra Glen Beck philosophy you mimic constantly.

2:27 AM, February 04, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:08 PM, February 04, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

G.Fronzi seems to share my opinion. Sage, you better get with the times or be left behind in the mush left by the melting right. If you think any conservatives will stick it out with you I guarantee you will be consumed by the rejections offered by the very people you worship at that alter of conservatism. Open your mind otherwise the loneliness and rejection you experience will consume you. Those whose opinions you rely on for your blog will desert the sinking ship faster than you can say Sarah Palin. Need you be reminded the further right you go the closer to the left you get. Oh no Great Sage - Perish the Thought.

9:40 PM, February 04, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shocking - you are claiming as fact that which was disproven way back in 2003 and early 2004. Are you also confined by the belief that 9/11 was not conceived and carried out with the full knowledge and participation of the Bush regime? How can you honestly make reference to WMD's without forcing back the laughter? The 'oil for food' scam benefitted many UN employees, rich European, American and Russian businessmen and other thieves including many Brush compatriots. As for the Resolutions such were a tool - well conceived- and initiated - in successful attempts to justify and conduct a war. A war designed to gain access to and confiscate Iraq's abundant oil resources. Saddam was no more a threat than 'My Pet Goat'. I am saddened by your willingness to adhere to the Republican-Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Israeli compact. The intent of which is to destroy Arabs, their world, their spirit, their credibility their existance to please Israel while at the same time stealing their oil. You have fallen for the oldest political propaganda tricks in the Israeli-American book 'Genocide and Oil Wealth'.
Iam disappointed in the Great Sage as I thought you were much more astute,observant,aware and certainly slicker than you are. Perhaps you might re-consider your political position and join us on the opposite side of the spectrum. We open our arms to the confused and misguided. In just a few steps forward you will see the error of your ways. With the proper guidance your thoughts will be re-directed to the left of your present mindset. Peace Man.

10:20 PM, February 04, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Naievety is rampant as these comments prove. In fact, the flat earth context of these comments illustrate the absurdities that dictate the manner in which liberals stumble through life. And FYI the Sage is perfectly aware of the fact that the U.N. profited from Hussein's Oil for Food scam and I have no use for that Rogue's Gallery, none of which were friends of George Bush.The Sage is not concerned about what the ignorant has to say. They are totally irrelevant and only need to be ignored. The first rule of debate is to never argue with idiots because when you win you look like a bully.Why don't all you liberals get together with Michael (Hamburgler) Moore and Rosie Odonnel and have a big group hug after reading the 9/11 Commission report. I am standing by my assumption that Anonymous is employed in the "Public" sector or is a liberal elitist who inherited his living. Totally void of wisdom. Beware of those who claim to be wise for they are soon proven fools as Annonymous has done here today with his flimsy unsubstantiated and exagerated rhetoric. As a person who has made his livingas a Hoisting Engineer I have been involved in the design, planning and construction of many super structures including bridges, high rises, the new Goldman Sachs building, Toronto's new Airport and the current World Trade Center. One of the largest cranes used on the 9/11 ground zero site was from the company I worked with in fact that crane came from my Canadian yard. The collapse of those buildings was due to a combination of "harmonic resonance", "weakened moments" and "lateral compromise" of the floor structures or joices causing each floor to cave into the other. Do you understand this Annonymous? Being in the "Public"sector I wouldn't expect that you would. Did you see Bin Laden praise his martyrs for their ugly deed after those planes went into the buildings? What do you not see here Anonymous? The Sage presents only the truth.The Great Sage.     

8:40 PM, February 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bla bla bla... So where is bin Laden then? Frankly, I think he may be a figment of America's imagination and the scapegoat needed to rally the troops and the people. It does not take much to convince Americans to go to war. The vast industrial military complex in conjunction with big business always stands at attention when the smell of money reaches the nostrils. Is there anything more profitable than a good war? The preposterous boastings about the excellence of American intelligence is seriously in question now that such has been caught with their pants down ie: Bin Laden's whereabouts, Eqyptian revolt which came as a big surprise and god only knows what else they have fucked up. Indeed, those buildings did not crumble because of two airplanes. If so, shoddy workmanship and below average steel bear responsibility. Why does a Canadian boy regeratate American values, beliefs and misguided explanations for America and its questionable practices. Surely you recognize America has more faults than most and bears responsibility for many of the world's worst problems and conditions. If my comments copied yours you wouldn't have any fun responding would you? So, enjoy the diversity of thought and refrain from degrading the intellect and ideas of those who see the world differently from you. It is that difference that makes blogs like yours interesting. Have patience with us mere mortals as we have not yet ascended to the heights of the Great Sage. A true demi-god treats his minions with respect and love and never puts them down because they are just human. Such does not make them intellectual retards or less worthy. Have sympathy for those of us who attemp, in our challenged way, to communicate effectively with the great minds of our time.

7:14 PM, February 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Canadian Boy is a former Trudeau fanatic who has seen the corruption behind liberalism. And yes when I sense the aroma of profit "I get a thrill up my leg" paraphrase the feeble minded Chris Mathews at Obama's inaugeration. America has it's minor imperfections, such as preventing Hitler from overthrowing Russia,rebuilding Europe post WWII, financing "Radio Free Europe" during the Cold War, financing the protection of Europe post WWII hey there's still sodiers stationed there and that war ended 70 years ago, rebuilding Japan post WWII, George W Bush's 2billion $ AID's package to Africa was a mistake, disaster relief after earthquakes and floods around the world...but who helps the U.S.. Yes the United States of America has made mistakes. Look what happened when they didn't get involved with the Banana Wars started by that tyrrant Castro and Gevara. Widespread poverty throughout Latin America wrought about by the spread of communism thanks to Castro who eventually killed off his right hand despot killer friend "Che" whom he ordered to overthrow Bolivia. In fact El Salvador, Guatamala, Nicauragua have never seen peace since. Your ignorance prevents you from understanding the fact that Russia is helping Hugo Chavez (another fucking IDIOT) to construct a major landing strip in Venezuala, capable of accomodating aircraft the size of B52 bombers and a Klashnikov plant for AK 74 assault rifles. This way the arms will be already on our soil and they don't have to worry about shipments being intercepted by the evil American Imperialists. And that's not all Anonymous Iran is in the process of negotiating a deal with "LIPS" (Chavez) to construct a facility to produce nuclear warheads for their ballsitic missile which is a version of N. Korea's "No Dong" missile who gave them the technology in the first place. And the reason behind their successful manifestation of this missile is because Slick Willy (Bill b.j. Clinton)was too interested in having sex on the job rather than deal with N. Korea. I remember duck and cover and drills to the bomb shelter in grade school Anonymous because of some lunatic named Nikita Kruschev tried to set up shop on his island 90 miles from the shoreline of North America and 45minutes (missile flight time) from my home town. I had a Grand father that was in 3 wars and 2 uncles in WWII and the Korean War and they did not want to see war here but that's what was coming.Heinrich Heine prophetically wrote 200+ years ago..."he who burns books burns people". He was ignored by people of your nature and I'll be damned if I ever let people of your nature have a say in life's matters ever again if it is in my power to do so.So mote it be.The Great Sage      

6:01 PM, February 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another point of interest to counter the "Anonymous Syndrom"...soon to be a mega-hit release...relates to his claim that the Twin Towers were  inferior in their design and construction and that shoddy workmanship and below average steel contributed to their demise.The kaleidascope of words in his templated feeble response is a testiment to the isolated horizons that liberals inhabit. They attempt to impress the ignorant and the blind with multi syllabeled words and their convoluted dogma and will go to any lengths to ensure that they are believed. Well Anonymous you are totally wrong in suggesting the use of low quality materials. In addition, you blame the skills of the American Worker, the very people who had the will and tenacity to invent, innovate, inspire and construct everything from 1 merchant ship a week to ship goods to Britain during WWII, bridges to move troops over rivers to reach a rutheless enemy or transform the atomotive plants into supply factories. Don't cut down the skill of the American Worker, secondly...their is no inferior quality steel anywhere in North America and I'll have you know that a portion of that steel was produced in Canada...of top quality. The Sage explained to you why those buildings collapsed but you did not take heed. Typical liberal with his whiny conspiracy theory, disregard the facts even when they're laid out in black and white. You are proven ignorant or unwilling to understand fact so what makes you so confident that your fairy tale excuses will be accepted by the inquisitive masses in search of light? Another thing those structures were designed to withstand the impact of the world's largest flying machine in the early 70's the B52 bomber. And although not a known earthquake zone was capable of withstanding  excessive seismic activity.Plain and simple you don't know what you're talking about so why should anybody side with or adopt your perspective. And one last thing Obama turned on the last civilized nation outside of Israel. Although Mubarak wasn't as clean we would like he still kept the "Muslim Brotherhood" out. Now the Brotherhood is backed by that spineless charlatan in the White House. Incidentally the "Muslim Brotherhood" is the fanatical group that brought the world "HAMAS". And you claim you want peace. You're a hypocrite Anonymous and you've just been proven wrong.The G R E A T   S A G E ... 

9:16 PM, February 07, 2011  

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