Saturday, February 05, 2011

It's time to talk

Why is there a special consideration for special people? Is a persons culture legitimate grounds for relentless litigation? When does the "White Immigrant" Westerner become free of not only fiscal bondage but the wandering restraints that prevent us from access to and development of land that's been here for 4.5billion years? Why is it Justice that the White Man can be discriminated against? How is it  that White Caucasians are exempt from "inalienable rights endowed by our creator".Isn't it time that equality went 360degrees and included everybody? Can somebody please tell me where the White Human Race went wrong when it brought the world out of darkness? Granted there is blemished history that stains our position on earth and within humanity...but then again no culture is clean.What if the White segment of the Industrialized Nations decided to give up and throw in the towel because the weight of the social burden has beaten us into the ground?We're regulated to the point of immobilization. Prime Forest access, Hunting and Fishing privileges, Territorial Autonomy and Impunity from irrational Public Discourse are benefits afforded to other races or cultures but exclude the White Man. Perpetual reparation is taking it's toll. If the White Man pulled his investments and decided not to invest time, money and life into a business anymore how many business' would Western Society lose? Coal mines that supply steel mills,  electrical generating plants, oil refinery's and the entire petrol chemical industry. The auto sector, ship building, rail lines, the big agriculture that feeds the world, iron ore and precious mineral mines. All of these are the result of hard work and investment of hard cash and life's savings...and most of all a lot of sweat and worry. The economy would collapse and I defy anyone to disprove it.Could other societies, that refused to compliantly emulate our 1st World civiized standards, sustain the same system or close version of it? I know this system isn't perfect but it's been pretty good to people who've never had to work a day in their life...and yet seek to be given more. Their message is communicated through an unpredictable means of protest. You never know if they're going to confront our military, our cops or us, shut down highways and/or sites slated for economic development. I've seen so much help go to waste. Structures financed and built on sacred land reclaimed (expropriated)from the Crown and Tax Payer and then vandalized and torched in a fit of drunken behaviour. Forest related industries that were financed by the tax payer to help a culture of people develop their own industrial infrastructure was futile. Misapropriated funds were always a problem...somebody forgot one of the principles of business; a percentage of the generated revenue must be reinvested in the business and not into a few pockets.        Now remember this has nothing to do with an attitude towards any race of people, this is an open and honest discussion with whomever chooses to read it and there is nothing racially derogatory about it.If I close my business the immediate affect would be the loss of up to 10 jobs, doubled when working around the clock. The peripheral affect would be felt by suppliers. If the major industries listed herein all decided to close up there would be at least 200billion dollars a year out of our economy which means only one thing...collapse. Now here's the "onion" no more social more 1st World. Don't look towards the believer's of Islam for help. Do you think the Indigionous cultures of North America have the ability to create, maintain and sustain a viable economy?     It's time to talk.

The Great Sage


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If a viable economy means the perpetuation of greed and 'all for the few and nothing for the many' then depending upon your needs and accomplishments - you may have a point. However, blaming decline on an open borders mentality is rather narrow. The West and its demonstrated disrespect for the 'different' does not bode well for the future does it? It is the behaviour of America and the ass-kissing countries that follow her, that is solely responsible for the growing troubles plaguing the world today. A fast buck, the disregard for other cultures and beliefs and the raping of the third world has created the chaos of which you write. The great American way is not the perferred way of others and shoving it down the throats of the rest of the world by military or economic force has initiated the discontent we watch daily on the news. If America had and would mind its own business and concentrate on its own problems perhaps the world would be a better place. If no-one went to bed hungry, if no-country were under the political thumb of the US and if big business would share the wealth there would be less turmoil, discontent, war, genocide , terrorism and disease don't you think? America has alot to apologize for including but not limited to a Manifest Destiny that is responsible for the disintegration of mankind and the loss of hope amongst the peoples of the planet. A knowledge of the past will certify that all 'superpowers' fall only to be quickly replaced by another. The west declines and America crumbles from within at a rapid pace mimicing ancient Sparta, Persia, Greece, Rome etc. It will not be long, perhaps within our lifetime, before America is overtaken by China in all ways except perhaps political reform. One need only to observe the re-birth of the conservative movement complete with gun toting ideologues expounding irrational thought and acting like their's is the only way, to discover desperate times require desperate measures. Desperation from decline is frightening as those who stand to loose the most cling-on forever to the lost cause. The forefathers spin in their graves with the realization of what they have created. Education, compassion and a reduction of the American ego would have served the world well. Unfortunately, America went too far and it is probably too late. Maybe the Sage has some 'words of wisdom' to reverse the decline. Well Mr. America give us some hope.

1:56 AM, February 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hark...for the Sage has leant ear to your supplications oh Anonymous.We will stay the course. If you are able, you will work. If you are capable, you will contibute. If you are productive, then the lion's share is yours. If you are weak and disabled or downtrodden then you will not be neglected. If you mistake kindness for foolishness you will forfiet the benefit of our generosity. If you play our kindheartedness for weakness you will surely suffer and the gates of compassion will slam shut...forever.How many third world countries have you been too Anonymous and for how many years have you LIVED in third world countries???You are ignorant of Third World mechanics. Their plight is self orchestrated. I do agree though about one point of astute measure and that is America should mind it's own business. They should just sit back and wait for the world to implode in on itself and then go in to clean up. No more cash for despot dictators in the guise of Foreign Aid, NO MILITARY aid, NO FOOD AID and no high tec aid. It'll just be a matter of time before the world, your Left Wing Utopia, disintegrates. "You touch it with a needle" PLEB.The Mighty Sage

5:16 PM, February 07, 2011  

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