Monday, February 07, 2011

The Progressives United Knowledge Emporium ...P.U.K.E

Well comrades the commissar of mind think has cleared the following headlines for public consumption. FYI the term "pubic" actually derives from the word "public".
In the spirit of inclusiveness and political correctness (and stupidity) Lake Superior has been renamed Lake Inferior.
Rioting Egyptians sponsored by "The Muslim Brotherhood" were told by Israel's Prime Minister B.B. Netanyahu not to "damage the pyramids for they will not rebuild them a second time". Come to think of it those pyramids do belong to Israel by virtue of the fact that they constructed them 4,000 years ago.
The great scholar Joe Biden chimed in today saying that the riot's in Egypt were nothing other than a "big pyramid scheme". Never looked at it that way Joe but you may have a "point" there but where's the all seeing eye.
In the Inspirational Quote section, Churchill stated that "we will fight them on the beaches"...Reagan, tear down this wall...Obama, follow me on twitter.
China calls international currency a "thing of the past" suggests using shiny sea shells.
Obama eases Cuba travel...allows 30 per raft rather than the previous 20 but warns drifters that littering or did he mean loitering?.will not be terminated or did he mean tolerated? One thing about Obama he's one hell of a mystery. You don't know what you're getting until his teleprompter tells you...or him
From the MSNBC(LSD)news desk...U.S. Congress woman being shot in the left side of her brain proves that violence comes from the Right.
The ACLU and Canadian Human Rights Organization has confirmed that Christmas decorations and celebrations create terrorists.
Comet and Cupit refuse to pull Santa's sleigh with openly gay Dasher and Prancer...Obama to advise the North Poll committee that Xmas may be boycotted if gay rights not enforced.
Obama applaudes Iran's restraint. Only 100 patrons with 3 stones maximum at family stoning events. Ayatollah mocks decision quoting "you Mecca me laugh".

Reporting from Cairo Sage Cronkite


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mecca me think twice. There are new scientific discoveries disproving long held beliefs that Israeli slaves built the pyramids. In fact, the homes ie: living quarters, markets and food production facilities used by Egyptian workers and mastercraftesmen have been unearthed recently in various sites surrounding numerous pyramid sites throughout the building belt. In fact, National Geographic recently showed two documentaries detailing the discoveries along with complex research and comments from many notable scientfic, anthropolical and biblical scholars who have explored and studied the new findings. All of whom are now challenging the long-held religious contentions re: Israeli (Jewish) slaves were beaten into building the pyramids. Perhaps you were too busy solving the world's problems to note the new findings. Do treat yourself and study the subject as it is fascinating and questions the validity of long-held religious and scientific beliefs. There are too many questions as to how unskilled slaves could have produced such remarkable and long-lasting complexes. Mistreated slaves who were apparently starved and beated might have had difficulty in performing the ardous tasks and mathematical and engineering feats required to produce such wonders. No.?

3:36 PM, February 08, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing escapes the Sage. Being the infinite scholar that I am it is my duty to inform and enlighten those cloked in darkness. The "artisans" that constructed the pyramids were anything but slaves. I should be so fortunate to be the repository of knowledge and wisdom and you, my meagre neophyte, should realize how fortunate you are to have made contact with such an impressive and superior being. The pyramids, icon's of time, were constructed in the year 1760-2000BCE by a group known as the "Habiru" which throughout time and translations was mistaken as "Hebrew". i.e. Abraham was Hebrew or was he a "Habiru". The Habiru were actually sea faring warriors who moved out of Turkey and into Phillistine/Canan, according to Sumarian docs. which is now Israel. The Habiru were the original Jew.Perhaps one should observe the first rule of your mind before your mouth or pen. Now the first rule of debate is to never argue with an idiot...and you Anonymous are very close to meeting the criteria for that rule. If you are relying on Nat. G.O. to broaden your horizons then you'll always be 2 years behind the Sage. In many cases that is too long of a period of time to respond to a life compromising issue. With respect to solving the world's problems, Conservatives are born ready and prepared. When  sipping water at the river's edge the shield is always at our back and our sword remains in our grip. If you were aware of my background you would tremble in your sleep; I am in a very elite profession that even the "Pyramids" fear...and that is the truth in fact I explain that truth in my book which will be published upon the finally of an arduous "epic"...but not yet...not yet.A closed mind is a fool's paradise, your opinion's should be the result of thought not a substitute for it.The Great Sage  

6:09 PM, February 08, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When accusing others of cutting and pasting it sounds as though you have mastered the art, oh Sage. That you continue insulting those who take the time to read your blog is quite disheartening albeit predicatable. Do continue your important quest and regergitate all you copy and paste from your google searches. Waisting your time on hatred of Muslims and kneeling at the alter of American ultra-conservatism does great insult to your inate ability to perfect the art of memorization. Surely you have waisted your imense intellect by writing a blog few read and fewer comment on. Perhaps you should consider lowering your obvious expectations of those who take the time to read and respond and try a sympathitic tone with those of us who do not know what the hell cutying and pasting is. When did you join the Acropolis of Wisdom because such offers are usually only made to those who combine their imminent powers with humility, kindness and limited sarcasm. Do try to tap into those human qualities that presently escape your overpowering scent of of 'poultry seasoning'.

11:31 AM, February 09, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You refer to being Educated as "cut and paste". Any information that I relay is from an educated past, extensive travel and mingling with 3rd world cultures and a love for research and History. Not to mention GOD'S gift at reading people and their behaviour. I can pick out a liberal in the crowd just by noting his behaviour. The liberal is the one who automatically thinks he'll be taken care of, respected and not played for a fool...and thne along comes his/her union or left wing government. I'm just presenting facts and it doesn't seem to be digested very well.The Sage.

2:32 PM, February 09, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. I do cut and paste articles that validate my legitimate concerns about Muslims.No Islam in Canada please I've lost enough rights.Sage

2:36 PM, February 09, 2011  

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